Butterfly Kisses xxx

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Butterfly Kisses

Chapter 3

~~~Anthea’s POV~~~

I ran, the adrenalin in my body making me run faster. I wanted to fly, but the woods prevented it, for now running would do. I ran for a while then I began to tire. I slowed to a walk and noticed it had started to become dark. Reluctantly I turned for home knowing it was wrong of me to run away, I didn’t feel guilty though, but I would when I saw their faces. A twig snapped to my left and my head whipped round, my hands going to protect my stomach and unborn baby. A massive brown wolf emerged from the darkness I backed up but hit something warm and soft, I turned to see another wolf, this one was grey in colour. My eyes widened in fear, I could run from one wolf, but two would just herd me like a sheep. A low growl came from the first wolf as I went to touch the bottom of my wings, slowly I let my hand drop. They started to circle me and I looked around hoping for and escape route, there wasn’t one, only a third black wolf. The brown wolf stopped moving and backed away, stopping behind a tree. The air seemed to shimmer for a second before a man walked out from where the wolf was.

“Well well well, would you look what we’ve got here: a lone fairy. What are you doing out here all alone, butterfly?” The black wolf snapped at me, causing me move backwards in fright. I looked up hoping to be able to fly through the trees, but the sky was hidden by branches and leaves.

“No way out there, butterfly!” The two men still in wolf form moved towards me, ever so slightly. I tried to back way, but a warning growl from the grey wolf stopped me.

“What do you want with me?” I addressed the man

“Your name, information, your child, your life.” I clutched my protruding stomach.

“Why? What has he ever done to you?”

“Nothing yet,” He smirked “but he will if he stays in that dump that you call a village. Did you say him? So it’s a bouncing baby boy, congratulations!” Sarcasm dripped from his every word. His gaze flickered to one of the wolves standing behind me, he nodded once and smirked at me again walking forward. “Come on, butterfly, we’re going to meet someone special.” He grabbed my arm, I flinched. “Worried I’m going to hurt you and your precious child?” he chuckled darkly, “Not a chance, I don’t want to dirty my hands with the blood of that!” He started to pull me further into the forest, I pulled against him in the direction of the village. The wolves behind me growled and I jumped, they were closer than I expected them to be. The man took my surprise to his advantage and grabbed my other arm and tied them both together with rope. I pulled at my bound hands in desperation, but they were tied tightly. One of the wolves behind me suddenly bit into one of my wings. I froze. If they tore it I would never be able to fly again. The man chuckled again.

“Good girl, now if you do as I say we won’t rip your oh so precious wing.” I didn’t move and he took that as acknowledgement, “Follow me and don’t try anything.” He glared at me before turning and walking off into the forest. The wolf holding my wing bit down harder and I whimpered in protest. The man turned and addressed the wolf.

“Nick, save it. We want her intact and not broken!” the pressure lessened slightly and a growl rumbled in his throat. The other wolf nudged my back and I stumbled forward.

Layla’s POV

Everyone was worried. Anthea hadn’t been seen for two hours and we couldn’t find a trace of her. The guards had ventured to the edges of our territory and they couldn’t find anything. I was waiting with Theo, Claire, Emily and my grandmother. We were in Grandmother’s hut with three guards outside. We were silent, even three year old Theo and baby Emily. Theo was sat in my lap squeezing my hand, Anthea was his mum and although she didn’t spend much time with him he still loved her and she him. He could tell something was wrong but we hadn’t told him what yet, we didn’t want to upset him.

             I could feel the guards communicating through their minds, they hadn’t found her yet. I looked over at Grandmother and saw a strained look on her face. She had a pouch full of ground Kamdacla flowers. She was muttering under her breath and turning the pouch over and over in her hands, her eyes tight shut. Suddenly she stopped and a look of alarm came over her face. Her eyes snapped open and she called out to the guards outside of the hut. They came rushing in.

“Stop them, they won’t find her now. The wolves have her.”


Hi! Really sorry that it’s taken me so long to upload, I’ve had exams for the past 3 weeks so I haven’t been able to write, sorry! This chapter isn’t very good, but I wanted to give you a chapter so here it is! This one was really hard to write because I wanted it a certain way, still not all that happy with it… Anyway, COMMENT please!

Love you all

Harold and a very wet and sleepy Mina

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 16, 2012 ⏰

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