nov 6, 2016

25 3 0

I stopped writing because my poetry screams your name to the hills
it echoes through the valleys
it whispers in the wind
everytime I think of a love other than the kind I have for myself the pain burns pages and the ashes disparate in the atmosphere .
I wish I didn't love you,
because loving you comes with more agony than not loving ever did.
I miss when things were easy.
now everything is so hard.
going outside of my comfort zone.
being so silently angry.
I'm losing my talent in this void of darkness.
this darkness consumes me.
and seeps out of my eyes as tears.
it manipulates my facial expressions.
I cant even write good.
or write because I'm too impulsive about where did I go wrong.
why I can't relate to any songs?
why do I feel like I don't belong?
why do I find so much of a home in being alone?//e.b.

the thoughts of essie bellWhere stories live. Discover now