Chapter 14

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~ Zayn ~ 

After receiving a call from Harry saying that Cassie was taken too, I started to panic. 

What if Casey was next? I thought to myself with fear and panic crossing my face and mixed emotions crossing my eyes. Casey saw my fear. 

‘Zayn.... What’s going on?’ Casey asked me as we entered the chatter filled cafeteria. I turned to her. 

‘Both Angel and Cassie were taken today.’ I replied. Niall looked at me with concern. 

‘What?!’ Niall asked with fear and surprise clear in his voice. 

‘Angel and Cassie were taken today. Harry told me via a phone call.’ I told him quietly. Niall and Casey nodded their heads. They headed to the food line. Gaining whatever food they felt like eating. I didn’t feel like eating because of the fear and panic running through me. Harry had returned home to tell Liam the news. A few moments later Niall appeared with Casey. Both carrying plates of food. 

‘Oh Zayn, I just realised. Mr. Knight wasn’t in Trig today.’ Niall said before he started shoveling food into his mouth. Fangs grazing over the food. I still don’t understand how some vampires can eat human food. I mean I can eat it. But it’s something that I just don’t fancy

I looked at Niall with confusion. 

‘I don’t know any teachers here by the name of Mr. Knight. I don’t think I’m in your Trigonometry class any way.’ I reply to Niall. Niall gave a shrug of his shoulders then continued on with eating his food. Casey on the other hand was picking at her food. I turned to Casey.

‘Casey are you okay?’ I asked her. Casey looked up startled. 

‘Yeah. What? Yeah I’m fine Zayn.’ Casey gave me a tight lipped smile. I looked at her with my right eye brow arched. 

‘Are you sure?’ I asked her again. Casey nodded her head and went back to eating her lunch. I went to my bag and pulled out my time table. Looking over it, I noticed that I had my 2 favourite subjects for the last 2 lessons of the day. Art and English. Casey and I had Art together. Then Niall, Casey and I had english together. So this was going to be a good day. 

20 minutes later the bell rang shrill through out the school grounds signaling that lunch has ended and it’s time to move onto class. Niall, Casey and I all went to each other’s lockers then headed off to the art room. We walked in our small group of 3 towards the art room. But something felt off. I just couldn’t put my finger on it. 

We all entered the art room in silence. The teacher telling us to take our seats and continue working on our projects. 

‘Zayn, I’ll be right back. I have to go to the bathroom.’ Casey whispered to me. She got up and walked over to the teacher. 

‘Mrs.’ Casey said quietly ‘May I please leave class to go to the bathroom?’ 

The teacher nodded a yes of her head. 

‘Thank you’ Casey smiled then disappeared out of the class room. The door closing quietly behind her. I watched as she left the room. An un easy feeling came over me. I turned to Niall.

‘Something doesn’t feel right.’ I whispered to Niall. Niall looked at me then the same facial expression crossed his face. 

‘I’ll be right back.’ I whispered. Niall nodded his head. 

‘Okay. But be careful.’ Niall whispered in reply. I got up and walked over to the teacher. 

‘Mrs. Can I please leave the room to get something?’ I asked the teacher. The teacher looked at me.

Falling For An Angel (A Niall Horan/ One Direction Fan Fiction) (AU) (Book 1)Where stories live. Discover now