Chapter 15

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~ Louis ~ 

Harry, Zayn and Niall returned home from school. But the strange thing was that Casey wasn’t by Zayn’s side like normal. The feeling of loss and sadness was thick in the air. I couldn’t feel anything. Fire burned in my heart and through my veins. 

‘We’re home. And we’ve got bad news!’ Niall’s irish accent rang through out the house; loud and clear. I stopped pacing. Went outside of my room. Liam was sitting in the study. Working out how we were going to find Carla and Ash. 

‘What’s going? What’s the bad news?’ I asked as I came racing down stairs at vampire speed. Stopping in front of Harry and Niall. Zayn must of gone off hunting. 

‘Cassie, Angel and Casey were all taken today. In blind daylight....’ Harry spoke quietly. Tears beginning to brim in his dull green eyes. I took a deep breathe. Liam walked into the parlor.

‘What? What do you mean; Cassie, Angel and Casey were taken?’ Liam asked. You could see his elemental power burning in his eyes. After Ashley was taken from Liam, he has being going out from dawn till dusk in search of her. Trying to catch her scent. Trying to find her and the others that were taken. Liam’s element was air. And if Liam got really mad, and I mean really mad. Liam could cause Tornados, Cyclones, Hurricanes. Anything to do with the weather. 

We all ended up in the lounge room later that afternoon. I was told that Zayn had gone to try and find Casey’s scent. A few moments later. Zayn returned. But with a grim expression. 

‘You okay Zayn?’ I asked him. Zayn shook his head no.

‘No. I searched the whole forest and Town area. Still nothing....’ Zayn replied with a grim smile. We were worried now. Ever since the girls’ have been taken. Something about it didn’t feel right. It was silent. Niall and Harry had disappeared upstairs. Liam, Zayn and I sat in the lounge room talking amongst ourselves. Zayn’s phone sat on the coffee table. Glasses of blood scattered across the table as well. Liam came back in with mugs of tea. The smell of it with a hint of blood filled the air. 

‘So what are we going to do?’ Liam asked quietly. Zayn and I looked at each other. I sighed.

‘I don’t know lads. What are we going to do? The girls we love were taken from us and we tried to protect them.’ I replied with a small smile. Taking a sip of my tea, Zayn’s phone began to buzz on the table. I looked at the phone. Picking it up, I looked at the Caller ID. It read Casey

‘Zayn! Casey is calling your phone!’ I exclaimed with Awe. I tossed the phone to Zayn who catched it. Zayn answered it. I walked out of the lounge room and towards the stairs. 

‘Harry! Niall! Come quick! Casey is on the phone! She may know where the girls are?!’ I shouted up stairs. I dashed back to the lounge room. Harry and Niall appeared in a blur. 

‘Quick! Put it on loud speaker!’ Niall whispered quickly to Zayn. Zayn nodded his head. 

‘Casey?! Are you okay what’s going on?’ Zayn asked quickly. 

‘Zayn! Oh my God! Your okay!’ Casey’s voice rang out from the phone. 

‘Casey! Can you tell us what’s going on and where you are?’ Liam replied. 

‘Yes! Cassie, Angel, Ash, Carla and I are locked away in this building. It looks like it’s on the out skirts of town. We’re trapped here. Apparently we’re wanted for our blood....’ Casey explained. I looked around at each of us. Our eyes began to change colour. Harry’s a brighter green, Niall’s a deep ocean blue, Zayn’s a gold colour, Liam’s silver and mine began to burn orangey- red. 

Falling For An Angel (A Niall Horan/ One Direction Fan Fiction) (AU) (Book 1)Where stories live. Discover now