2. Family Value

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19 year old Jeremy crawled from under his bed as he heard a car's tires scurry pass his home. Jeremy looked around as he saw holes in his wall. Observed the bullet holes carefully as he sighed. Shootout after shootout. Bodies drop unexpectedly. He was use to the death trap around him. He was use to sirens every other minute.

Jeremy scurried out of his room checking on his small family. He lived with his mother, 17 year old sister, & his 18 year old girlfriend. They were all he had. No father. No uncles. No father figures at all. Jeremy became a man on his own. When his mother was working, he was the one who held everything down. He was the one who helped pay unexpected bills. When the lights were shut off, he would hustle just as hard as his mother would. Although they were not the right way, they were the quickest ways to get paid.

"Jermiya!? Momma?! Baby?!" Jeremy yelled.

His heart was beating fast as I thought about loosing his 3 queens. He would truly be a lost soul.

"We are fine Jeremy!" Crystal, Jeremy girlfriend, yelled.

" Where are you?" He said walking out of his room carefully.

"In the kitchen!" His mom yelled shooken up.

Jeremy ran down the steps as he heard his mother voice. He ran to the kitchen to see all his queens hugging each other in one piece. He ran to them quickly as he watched them detach from each other. Jeremy joined in the hug as all them began to let their emotions out at once.

"Everything is alright. We are okay." Jeremy whispered as he kissed their heads.

"Calm down." He sighed as he looked up at the ceiling.

"Baby you gotta get us out of here. We could die here! What if you got hit? What if we would have lost you?" Crystal sobbed.

"Jerry I don't want to be here anymore" Jermiya cried.

"Shh Shh. I promise we will get out of here alive. Soon!" He said as he rubbed their heads.

Jeremy knew that there was a big chance that he would be taken away from his family. There was a even bigger chance his family could be taken out. Jeremy was tired of living in fear. Jeremy was tired of ducking from flying bullets. He was tired of his mother and girlfriend stressing. He was tired of his sister crying herself to sleep cause she was scared. He was tired of not sleeping cause he has to protect the house. Jeremy wanted out. He wanted something better for himself and his family. He would get it by any means.

6 Weeks Later

"Baby! Mom! Jermiya?!" He yelled as he slammed the door .

He found his mother patiently sitting at the kitchen table with Jermiya sitting across from her shook.

"Hey mommy." Jeremy spoke.

Jeremy looked between the two as Jermiya avoided eye contact with him.

"Hey son." His mother greeted dryly.

She continued starring at Jermiya while smoking a cigarette. Jeremy could feel the strong tension as he eyeballed the two. He knew something was wrong.

"What's going on?" He questioned.

"Tell him Miya." His mom ordered sternly.

Jermiya nervously looked at Jeremy with fear. She knew that he would be disappointed in her once he got word of what's going on around the streets.

"I been having sex." Jermiya whispered.

"With who? For how long?"

Jeremy blood boiled.

"Keylin. Camontae. Bradley." Jermiya snuffed.

"3 People?! Please tell me not back to back Miya."

"No brother. I been dealing with them all at once, just having sex with them while you, Crystal, and mom out. I call whoever I feel like over. I regret it."

Miya began tearing up. This was not the worse part of the news. In fact, this is not news at all compared to the next thing that will exit her mouth.

"I'm pregnant too. I don't know the father. I'm scared, and I am sorry."

Jermiya broke down. Jeremy face dropped once the news sunk into his mind. His 17 year old sister was pregnant, and she didn't know the father. Jeremy heart broke into pieces as he watch his mom walk away from the kitchen table furious. His sister brung shame into the family, but he knew she needed him more than ever.

"Now we have no choice but to dip outta the hood baby."

Crystal whispered from behind him softly while rubbing his back. She heard everything. She knew Jermiya was in for a ride, and she was willing to keep the family together to help her succeed.

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