4. Duties

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Desmond Henderson is not your average 16 year old man. He was a single father with no help from the child's mother. Instead of having only daddy duties, he had to play the mother as well. He fathered his 2 year old son, Dwayde Henderson.

Dwayde was all he had with the exception of his grandmother. There was just Dwayde and Desmond. Together until the end. He took care of his responsibility by himself since Sophia Upshaw, the mother of his child, never had time for Dwayde.

Desmond calmly watched as his son explore the empty the park. The park was never full anymore due to the crime rates spiking up in the hood. Desmond always took his chance to give his son the freedom he deserved. No matter the situation, Dwayde would have some type of childhood. Struggling or rich.

"Be careful going down that slide Dee! You know what happen last time. You got 2 minutes!" Desmond yelled in a demanding tone.

"Okay daddy!" Dwayde replied happily. 

Desmond enjoyed watching his son be free. He never liked to limit his son. He wanted Dee to be a kid as long as he could. Desmond never had the full freedom he gives Dee. He was proud of the father he became. He was doing the best he could without Sophia. Desmond feelings often hurt because Dee did nothing wrong to be abandoned.

Sophia was your average 19 year old. She loved the party life more than her own. She never put anybody before her fun, and Dee wasn't going to stop her either. Desmond always prayed she was safe and doing well. He wish no harm on the mother of his child. Fatherhood was something Desmond was proud of. With or without Sophia.

"Let's go Dee!" Desmond yelled.

Dwayde charged at his father with excitement. Dee was always obedient to his elders. His father taught him that was always the thing to do.

The two begin walking towards the corner store. Dee held on to Desmond tight as he entered the store with his dad. Desmond began picking up snacks for him and Dwayde until a familiar face caught his eye.



"Desmond?" Sophia answered in shock.

Sophia wore revealing clothes. All of her tattoos showed, even the ones that were meant to be hidden. She eyeballed Desmond and the little boy carefully. She already knew he was her son.

"Wow. He has grown." Sophia smiled.

Dwayde hugged into Desmond leg tightly. Desmond picked him up while reassuring that it was okay. Dee has no idea who this woman was. He was not trying to find out either.

"Yeah. He has. My boy all grown up." Desmond smiled.

Sophia shifted on her hip nervously. She never realized how much it would hurt if her own son wouldn't know her. She never thought she would see this day. Her heart broke into pieces while watching her son shyly turn away from her.

"How is he?"

"My son is good. I do all I can. He is well taken care of. My grandma watches him while I go to work and school. He fine." Desmond proudly spoke.

"I'm sorry I left you Desmond. Being a parent is something tough. You wouldn't understand."

"Oh I wouldn't? Girl shut yo ass up. I been raising him for 2 whole years by my lonesome. I got put out my moms home for him. I had to steal for him. I had to protect him with my life while still trying to be a teenager. I still am! My son my whole world. Your one to talk. You out hoeing and partying while your son progressing in life. You gave up on him before he could prove himself. You are some type of mother bitch.

I don't even like disrespecting you in front of my son, but you one lowdown ass female. Don't worry about him now. Dwayde is good. His father got him. I'll lay down in a poodle of blood before he go without. Yo ass won't do the same. Get that shit outta my face." Desmond snapped.

Desmond walked off to purchase his items as Sophia stood in shock. She eyeballed Dwayde as he starred at her. She watched her seed walk out the door while he waved at her. She felt guilty.

"Hey Buddy. Don't ever disrespect a woman or girl like I just did in there. Daddy sorry you seen that. Be better than that son, and please be better than that lady in there."

Desmond would explain everything once Dee was older. Desmond prayed he never failed as a parent. One thing for sure? Desmond knew he was a much better parent than Sophia ever will be.

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