3. Fresh Meat

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Miranda Goodman, a 14 year old high school freshman, tread down the school halls as she heard the late bell ring for her 7th period class. This was her 4th time being in the hall after the infamous late bell. It was not new to Miranda where she would spend the rest of her day, and who it was going to be with. Tayben Bradford is her 18 year old boyfriend. They have been dating for 2 months, and Miranda was getting use to skipping with him already. Miranda was aware that her mother would kill her if she found out how much class she has been missing, but she didn't care. She just craved the attention of her Tay Bear. He was all that mattered at this time.

Where is he? She thought to herself.

Just as she turned the corner, she found Tayben leaning on one of the school locker awaiting Miranda arrival. She switched her small hips towards him as his eyes wondered across her young body. Miranda might have been only 14 years old, but her body yelled 16.

"Hey baby!" Miranda squealed.

The two shared a kiss once Miranda was face to face with Tayben. She watched as Tayben gripped her hips towards his swiftly. Miranda enjoyed when she was touching him. She yearned kissing on him. She never had fondness in any male like this before.

"You ready to go?" Tayben questioned.

"Yeah, let's roll." She responded.

The two wondered their way out to the school parking lot without being seen by a soul. Miranda hopped in Tayben car as the engine came alive. Where were they going? Miranda had no idea. She just knew she wanted to get out of school.

"Where we going?" Miranda asked curiously.

"My house baby. My mama not at home." Tayben answered as he cruised himself out of the school parking lot.

Miranda gulped quietly as she looked out the window. She had never been to a boy's house without her mother before. In fact, she never even been to a boy's house alone.

"Are you sure about this baby? I mean you don't have to bring me if you just want to catch some sleep." Miranda carefully questioned.

"Shut up Miranda. I'm bringing your ass with me." Tayben responded halfway annoyed.

Tayben pulled up to his crib as he killed the engine. Both bodies removed themselves from the car as they made their way inside of Tayben's house. Miranda looked around carefully as she took in the scene.

"It's pretty in here." Miranda cooed.

Tayben grabbed Miranda's hand as they walked up to the back of the house, otherwise known as Tayben room. He closed the door as Miranda sat on his bed nervously. Tayben began to watch her eyes wonder around the room. Miranda was clueless as to what she was in his house for, and he was going to help her find out.

"Lay back." Tay order once he removed his shoes off his feet.

Miranda eyes widen once she came to realization. She was a 14 year old virgin, and never crossed the line with giving her body up. She starred at Tayben like he had two heads on one body. She was not going to follow his orders. Miranda never did anything like this before. How would she tell her mother? What would her older sister say? How would her family think of her?

"Come on Miranda. We been at this long enough. I want to try something new. Let me make you feel good." Tay whispered as he stood in front of Miranda.

Miranda eyes meet Tayben eyes. The chocolate orbs always got him his way with her. Without thinking, Miranda laid back on Tayben soft covers with her eyes closed. Tayben began removing the clothes that covered their goods. He was a pro at being inside girls. Miranda had no idea the body count of Tayben, she never questioned it either.

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