11. Healing

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19 year old Taniya Cooner was living the best life she could in the hood. Modeling and art would be her bread winners. She knew she would become something great unlike other females. She lived alone in her small apartment with her kitten. She preferred it that way, and would keep it that way for a long while.

Taniya had no female friends, no man, and barely any family. All she had was her twin sister, Laniya. The two cut all ties with their family after they graduated. The family was toxic, but they were not going to cut each other off. They were particularly sharing a face, why not share a life?

"TeeTee! Girl we got to hit this club tonight. I heard it is going to be full of sexy men. Girl you got to hit this place with me!" Laniya begged.

Laniya was the oldest twin. She was the wild twin whom always doing things without thinking. It was clear she acted like the youngest.

"Hell no LaLa! A club is for married men, drug dealers, and broke niggas who just want to act like they bread winners. I'm not going there." Taniya snapped.

Taniya was the more careful twin. She always thought out the process of things. She was well organized, and always played everything safe.

"TeeTee, you gotta live it up. Come for me. You can just be a driver home. Please?" Laniya begged.

Taniya couldn't tell her twin no. She never could. She always wanted to make sure her sister was satisfied. She loved her twin more than life itself.

"Damn LaLa. Okayyy, we can go. But I want to be home before 1 AM. I mean it." Taniya fussed.

The two danced on each other at the club with their drinks. The two always were with each other. You could never tell who is who, thank god Taniya got tattoos and LaLa got piercings.

"Yoo. Darkskin over there digging you sis!" LaLa cheered.

"No he not. He looking at you." TeeTee rolled her eyes.

The darkiskin man approached Taniya slowly. Taniya was sure he wanted Laniya, nobody ever deals with her. That was fine with her.

"Hello beautiful. May I have your name?" The man smiled.

"Which one? Me or my sister?" Taniya pointed at her twin.

"Yours. My name is David. What is yours?" David smiled.

"Taniya, look I rather not go through this. You are prolly married trying to fuck me and going to leave me. I am good." Taniya sighed.

"Woah there tiger. I just want to conversation that is all. I don't fuck ladies on the same night. I been living 22 years to know not to run up on a sweet lady with bad intentions." David placed his hands on in defense.

"TeeTee, talk to him! I'm going to get a drink." LaLa vanished.

"So, Can I get to know you? You seem like the one person in here that's calm." David joked.

"Thank you." Taniya joked.

From that day, the two became close friends. They grew closer, they became intimidate. The became a couple. They became bestfriends. Taniya loved every minute with David. 

"Yes daddy! Oooh right there." Taniya moaned playfully in David ear.

"Chill!" David laughed.

"Ooo! Sss! Don't stop, ohhh my god." Taniya goofed off as she humped David.

The two were always goofing off. There was never a dull moment between the two. Taniya was happy that LaLa dragged her to the club that night. She had the best sister in the world.

"Nah! You should do the one that you did on our first time." David laughed.

Taniya blushed in embarrassment. That night was the most romantic nights of her life. David was not her first, but he sure as hell made her feel like it.

David and Taniya starred at each other while sitting on a pallet enjoying a home-made dinner. The two conversated amongst themselves. Taniya was really enjoying herself.

"Thank you for tonight. Nobody ever did this for me." Taniya smiled.

"It was nothing. I really like you Taniya. I really wish you give me a chance." David sighed.

"Dave, I am sorry but I can not afford to get hurt." Taniya whispered.

"Let me show you that you are safe with me." David whispered.

The two began sharing a kiss. A intense one. It became so heated that somehow, both of them were removing clothes until there was nomore to remove. David laid Taniya down slowly as she watched him massage her second lips. The feeling was unbearable. He began slipping the fingers in and out while his tongue came in contact with her. Taniya felt nothing like it, and she was really enjoying it.

Moans and gasps filled the room. David was not done yet. He wanted her to feel loved. He positioned himself to slide in her without warning. A big whimper escaped Taniya throat.

"Oh my god!" Taniya looked in shock.

David began stroking her slowly. Taniya never had such pressure in her stomach, she didn't know what to do with David. She couldn't run, all she could do was enjoy the feeling. She made contact with David. Soft grunts left his mouth.

"Shit Niya! Damn you feel great!" David gripped Taniya waist.

"Oh fuck!" Taniya cried out.

The two shared that moment until the speed was picked up. The sounds got louder. The room became a mess. Taniya was moved all across the room from angle to angle. She enjoyed every minute of it. Even the aggressive pounding.

David smirked thinking back to that day. It was the day that David decided he wanted to heal Taniya. He wanted to show her there were different men around. He wanted her to see that not everybody is the same.

"I'm glad that took place, I prolly wouldn't have let you in fully." Taniya whispered.

She played in David's hair. That was a soothing thing for them both. Taniya was truly attached to the young man who she stumbled upon in the club that night. She was truly grateful for the man who has entered her life. She saw a deep future in him. She would not be giving up on him anytime soon.

"This was all thanks to LaLa." Taniya whispered.

Taniya hopped to somebody build a family with David. She wanted it all, and David would not want if any other way. They belong together, and they realized it in a short amount of time.

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