chapter 1

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      Left foot.
                       Right foot.
Left foot.
                 Right foot.
       Breathing endlessly, I petal faster, and faster. Crossing my fingers, I pray to make it home before dinner. My mom would kill me if I were late. Thinking back to school, I hear Elis voice, "Rize, please least think about it". My best friend since kindergarten asked me out to prom.

       Am I supposed to say yes or no? We've been close for so long but....I didn't think there was ever anything romantic about it. He says we can just go as friends, but we both know that's just a cover story. For years, I've had a crush on him but...I can't just say that out loud. It crushed my soul to say "no". I have to be brave. Stop being a wimp Rize. Okay. Okay. I'll tell him on Monday. If I don't chicken out that is.

       Butterflies take over my stomach as I think back to when we first touched hands. It was in 1st grade, we both reached for my books and his hand went over mine in an attempt to grab my math book. At the time, I just pushed him away and said "I can do it myself". But, now I'm thinking there was a spark..a connection.. As I'm lost in thought, I don't see the curve. My tire hits the sidewalk in a, THUMP! My world comes crashing down on me, leaving me tumbling to the ground. My vocal cords seem to burst open in an inhuman shriek. At first, I can't believe the screams are coming from me until I feel the hot tears against my cheeks. Damn, am I crying? I can't even remember the last time I cried. Even so, I try to lift my ankle making it burn with protest. Biting my lip and closing my eyes in pain, I try to sit up. What even happened? I look around, to see my bike's tire flat.

       Just what I needed. I think wiping my pathetic tears away. I'll be late for sure. Trying to stand, I crash like a tree being chopped down. "Ow!", I call resting on my butt. I look down at my ankle to see somewhat of swelling. Delicately, I slide my converse off to examine it more closely. As I'm doing so, I hear a HONK! A man with a suspicious mustache calls, "need a ride kiddo?"
"Uh ya that'd be great!", I call without a second thought.

       "Uh sir my ankles hurt so...I don't know if I can get up on my own", I blush nervously. "Oh, I can help", he grins parking his car and climbing out. He takes my arm and wraps it around his shoulders as he pulls me close. Oh god, his breath smells like weed. Great. Just great. Stumbling along, we make it to his car and he slams the door shut.

       "Wait...what about my bike?", I ask just now remembering the flat tire. I mean I have a spare at the house but....I loved that bike. "Oh uh you can get it after you have your ankle fixed, right?", His smile seems genuine. "Oh okay", I try to smile back. For a weed head his car looks pretty nice.

       And I'd estimate he's somewhere in his twenties maybe thirties. Coughing loudly, I look out the window. "Oh do you want me to give you directions?", I ask looking at the back of his head. "If you want, I know the way", he slithers. "Oh", I stagger. this one of thoughs stalkers mom warned me about? No, my stalker would be at least my age...right?

       What if he is my age? My mind goes numb as I take in the setting. This was a horrible idea. Everyone would be so disappointed...after teaching me all about "never go in a car with a stranger". I swallow down hard and try not to shake. But, maybe just maybe he's a nice guy? I mean the world's not full of only evil people, is it?

       Clearing the negativity, I text Eli "in a creepy guys car". In about three minutes my phone lights up, "damnit Rize, if you needed a ride you should of called me". Oh ya, I forgot Eli has a car....if only I actually used my brain for once. I might not even be in this mess. With mixed emotions I text, "Eli, I'm scared". "'s okay-just just don't get hurt, okay?", I text "okay" and slam my phone down.

       I stare blankly out the window. Then all at once I see my house. The same purple paint over a two story house with buck barking in the driveway. "Sir, that's my house!", I franticly yell pointing out the window. "Oh is it?", All emotion wiped from his face. My eyes go wide at his crooked smile. "we're taking a little tour darling", he snickers. Oh my god. Oh my god. Oh my god. IM GONNA DIE! THIS CAN'T BE HAPPENING!

       Immediately, I text Eli "it was nice knowing you. Love you". Then in an act of hope I dial 911. "You think I'm just gonna let you do that?", The man asks fiercely. Everything goes in slow motion as he parks the car and attacks me. I look out the window to see a big open field and what looks like a forest. Where are we?
       I kick and shriek, my hope oozing out like blood from a bad cut. He wraps his long, scrawny arms around my neck, leaving me helpless, and hopeless. My heart is shattered in two, much like my phone as he with one arm tightly around my neck, and the other lunging towards the somewhat clean window throws my phone out. Tears prick my eyes when his hand reaches the front seat, returning with rope. How did I not notice that? Fear burns my insides, when he tries to tie me up. My mind goes into defense-mood as I without thinking hit him in the face, knocking him down hard. Without much thought, I lung to the door and swing it open.

        My feet take on an aggressive bolt. I'm running faster than my legs can take me, when impact comes quite too soon. Before I know it I'm wrestling my kidnapper on the cold, hard ground. A shiver goes down my spine as he over-powers me."Your not going anywhere", he spits in my face. "Get off!", I kick his stomach viciously.

        He grimaces and tumbles over. I don't know how far town is but....there should be someone out here, right? Just as my hopes began to blossom I see a light. It's coming from that forest I saw earlier. Awkwardly, I jump up and run for it. Sweat dripping down my hair line, I dare to take a look behind me.

       He's about 2 feet away. Relief over takes me as I reach a small cottage. Little did I know, this wasn't a solution ,but a problem. Creeek! The door screams at me while I shiver. This place gives me the creeps. "Hello?", I call using all my effort to calm down. No answer. Desperately, I search for a phone. Shit. There's nothing even here.

        All I can see is an empty cabin with a rug...a couch a TV some chips and....and... OH MY GOD. Holding in a scream, I stare at the blood droplets all over the carpet. I shake uncontrollably before remembering I have a deadly man behind me. Heading toward the door, I hear a slam! Oh god that was the door. Is he in here...right now? What am I supposed to do? What can I do?


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