chapter 5

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{Zane's pov}

       Something breaks inside me, something sharp and frightening. I lung forward in a sudden motion. With my right hand, I swing at my drunk Dad. "Im tired of listening to you and I'm tired of you ruining my LIFE!", I yell tears clouding my vision. He slams up against his counter, plunging on knifes. A horrific scream follows my actions.

        When I look to my Dad I see a knife impaling his side, blood soaked into his once white shirt. I just did that. Oh god. Shaking, I call the police and tell them I've found a kidnapped girl. Then with sweaty hands I untie Rize, completely. Her first action was to hug me. Her arms go tightly around my shoulders. I've never had a hug before.... Dumbly, I just stay there in shock.

{Rise's pov}

       IM SAVED. "THANK YOU", I yell embracing a almost complete stranger, ignoring the unstoppable pain in my wrists. With tears running down my face I say, "I'm so happy I could kiss you". But then everything turns red. Fear shoots throughout my whole body. The impact was slow and painful. My gut erupts with pain. It feels like someone's stabbing a thousand needles through me all at once. Like someone skinned me and I'm just flesh.

       My visions blurred as I fall to the side. My face hits Zanes's knees, I can't even move. What just happened? Then all at once, I hear Zane yelling, he's crying..."She was my first real friend!", Tears stream down his face. I didn't think Zane cried..Then I realize his Dad's still here.... how could I of been so stupid? I was off guard... totally unaware. "Freeze. Put your hands up!", I don't recognize the voice but I know its the police. "RISE! OH GOD NO PLEASE!", Eli's sweet voice fills the room.

       "You came?", My voice is a weak croak with blood. "Your alive!", Eli's practically on top of me. "I was so afraid", I can feel his tears against my face.

{Eli's pov}

       The police weren't much help. In fact I'd almost lost hope until they got that call. It said, "hello police? I need help. I have some girl named Rize, I think she's been kidnapped, please come fast", some teen told us. I forced the police to let me help them with the case. So of course I came along with. But, nothing could of prepared me for what I saw.

       MY Rize was on the ground, her ankle obviously broke, her face as pale as snow, her wrists and ankles with a bloody line across which I think is from being tied up. They tied MY little Rize up. Her hair was all tangled, her face overflowing with tears and....and....blood pouring all around her. Her eyes were closed and There was this older guy, He had an injury but he also had a knife. He tried to escape, only to be cut short by a bullet.

       He MUST of been the idiot who stabbed Rize. That cruel, stupid, perverted, faggot. I hate him. I'm GLAD he died. He deserves to burn in hell for the rest of his miserable life. But then there's this skinny emo kid. Rizes on him....shes pretty much in his lap. Like WOAH. He needs to back off.

{Zane's pov}

      Bloods all over me. I'm covered. I'm not even bleeding, it's Rizes. I have to do something. Immediately, I rip my shirt and push it up against her stomach. She's losing too much blood and I can't concentrate with this perky kid yelling at me.

"Get away,
She's mine,
Back off,

STOP touching her!",

       The tan, nerdy kid screams. "Shut up or she'll die!", My mouth moves as I push the blush deep inside me. I have no time for emotions...I can deal with them later. Still, my shirt is soaked with blood in under a few minutes. Then a dim light of hope grows as the paramedics arrive. They put Rize on a stretcher and carry her away.

       With nothing else to do I hop on the ambulance and accompany Rize. The kid with glasses is already on crying. He's holding her hand and sobbing, loudly. "Uh are you okay?", I ask looking at the guy. "No!", He looks me in the eyes. "what did you do to my Rize, who are you?",he asks wiping his tears with his gray sweatshirt. "Nothing...I saved her...I'm the one who name's Zane", I say blushing. "oh. I'm Eli..I'm Rize's boyfrie- uh best friend...", He shudders.

       "I wish I had friends...",slowly I hug myself. "You have friends", Eli reassures me. "ME and Rize", he smiles and puts his hand on my shoulder. "Only if you try and steal my Rize, I'll kill you", his smile fades. I can't help but laugh. This wimpy kid? No way.

{Rizes pov}

       I felt continuous, as they carried me into a big white van with a red Cross on the side. The lights were blinding and sounds, soundlessly loud. Nonetheless, I wake up to a light shining brightly in my face. The first thing I notice is: numbness. I feel cruelty and utterly numb. Then I notice someone. Someone's sleeping on me. I tilt my head to see Eli's head fallen onto me and his hand in mine. Awww. Then I see my mom and Zane....whys Zane here?

      "Oh your awake?", Zane's the first to speak. His pierced lip and dark hair really brings out his pale skin and adorable freckles. Though, I can tell he has foundation on. Someone's trying to hide his freckles. His mouth kind of curves as he smiles at me. Staring at him I read his lips. He mouths "follow me", and motions to the door. Silently and carefully I get up and stumble to him. Immediately, I notice a cast tightly around my foot.

      Luckily, I didn't wake up Eli or my Mom as we galloped away. Surprisingly, he took my hand and lead me up to the roof. The cold breeze hit my face and shook my whole body. All I was wearing was a thin nightgown. Suddenly, my cheeks burned and I felt a leather jacket around my shoulders. My eyes went straight to Zane. "You seemed cold", he shrugged the whole thing off. My heart pounded as we stood there watching the sunset.

       The sky exploded in purple, pink, orange, yellow, and blue lights. Each fading perfectly into the other. "My Dad died", Tom's eyes shifted to broken. "I'm sorry for your loss", I squeeze my hands in his. "The police found a dead body", he's trembling and I can see the fear in his eyes. "They identified it as my mom", his voice breaks. Looking at him, I can tell he's fighting back tears.

       His lip is shaking, he's biting it so hard I'm surprised it's not bleeding. "My Dad lied...he killed my mom...", Tom closed his eyes as chills brushed his skin, and his eyes flooded with tears. I found myself tongue-tied. The only thing my stupid, worthless brain could think of was to hug him. The embrace seemed to last forever. I hugged him so tight I could hear his heart beat and his muffled cries. Not wanting to stand, I set down and let him lean into me. I wish I could take his pain away..

       I know I've still only met this guy but...I feel a shock of energy...I feel a's unexplainable...I just feel like I owe him something...

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