100 Ways To Prove That You Are Addicted To Les Mis

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Bonjour, so this is my first story ( I know it doesn't count as a story but whatever ) . I will be doing 10 ways to prove that you are addicted every week or whenever I can. If this is more successful than I planned and people want me to do more Ways to prove that you are addicted to Les Mis, I will, cuz you can never have enough Les Miserables in your life.... Anyway, my aim is to have at least 20 reads (Yes, I know I believe in myself) so me and Enjolras would appreciate it if you told your fellow Mizzies about it....

Ok, I will stop rambling now, so here is 100 Ways To Prove That You Are Addicted To Les Mis !!

1) You put on your X-mas list that you want a Red Flag, a Barricade and the Café Musain for Christmas

2) You change your name to one of the characters from Les Mis and have to continuously remind your friends what your new name is

3) When you see something red or black, you have to try and stop yourself from blurting out 'Red, the blood of angry men, Black, the dark of ages passed'

4) Your way of insulting people is calling them Thenardier.......

5) When you are home alone you build a barricade and destroy it, then afterwards sing 'Empty Chairs at Empty Tables' in your kitchen mourning your invisible revolutionaries

6) When you have injured yourself, you sing 'A Little Fall of Rain' whilst cuddling your teddy-bear named Marius ( c'mon, I know you have one... )

7) You wear red as much as you can, so you can always remember the Barricade

8) You wish you were born on the 24th June 2001 ( 24/6/01 = 24601 )

9) You always attempt to strangle the person who called it the 'French Revolution' instead of the June Rebellion

10) At the end of school you refuse to let your friends walk home with you because you want to be alone singing 'On My Own' just like Eponine ( or is that just me ?? )

So that was the first 10 Ways To Prove That You Are Addicted To Les Mis. If you liked it please vote and comment any suggestions, as it would mean a lot to me....Also Enjolras wants to give you a virtual barricade as a thank you for reading present

*Hands over virtual barricade* There you go, Thank you for reading and hopefully I will see you next week !!

100 Ways To Prove That You Are Addicted To Les MisWhere stories live. Discover now