100 Ways To Prove That You Are Addicted To Les Mis LAST CHAPTER !!

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Bonjour !!

Well done to twistedeveryday for winning the competition with this great answer 'Yeah, why don't you read the 2,000 paged brick, that's what I do when I'm bored'

So this is my last chapter of this series and I'd just like to say thank you to you all so much for voting, commenting and sharing it !! I never even dreamed of getting over 1000 reads...EVER !!! I'm thinking of starting a new series after this one called 'QUESTIONS FOR LES MIS LOVERS'. I plan for this to be a place to debate about Les Mis questions which have never be answered and which we all have different opinions on. I'd really appreciate it if you put down in the comments what you think of this idea !! Anyways, thanks again and I hope you enjoy the last chpter !!!

90) You know all about the characters who weren't featured in the musical (Montpanarsse,Azelma etc)

91) When you do a test and you forget to put your name on it the teacher knows it's you because of all the Les Mis doodles on it

92) In the holidays you will do things like 'How long can you sing On My Own continuously ?' competitions with yourself (13 hours of my holiday wasted singing...)

93) You have a habit of giving long lectures to friends about why Javert commited suicide

94) You also have a habit of eating food like you have been starving for 2 days......

95) You have waited in an alleyway for someone to walk by then shout as they go past 'Om do ya do, my names Gavroche'

96) You now all the words to all the songs from the musical (even the ones that don't feature in it anymore)

97) 99.9% of all your dreams are based on Les Mis

98) You know pretty much know everything there is to know about Les Mis and like to recite facts about it randonly

99) You own at least 1 replica of a characters costume from the musical

100 !!!) Well.....you've read this and you can relate to everything in here, it means you are obviously PROVEN THAT YOU ARE ADDICTED TO LES MIS !!! (Oh yeah.....Doctor Eponine coming through !!)


When people ask you 'What's your favourite band?' And you just sit there super awkwardly and say 'Does the CSR Les Miserables count?'

Thank you all so much, and I hope you enjoyed this series, also please remember to comment about my next story idea and au revoir !!!

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