100 Ways To Prove That You Are Addicted To Les Mis Chapter 5

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Bonjour again everyone !!!!

Congratulations to sukiipaws for winning the competition with this great answer ' Wine ?! How dare you think of alcohol !! We can't afford to drink, we're planning a revolution!! Why do I even bother '

41) When all your friends are doodling cats on their rough books and you're drawing barricades, French Flags and Les Mis character quotes instead

42) You really want a tattoo of a French Flag which says ' 24601 ' on it

43) Your friends have to shout ' TO THE BARRICADE ' to motivate you in P.E

44) You fill out a form about yourself and in the INTERESTS section you put ' Les Miserables '

45) You say ' Give me Brandy on my breath and I'll breathe them all to death ' when someone asks you ' what drink do you want ? '

46) You've pickpocketed your parents.... ( He He.., )

47) Your friends are scared to ask you how to spell anything Les Mis related because they know I will shout and scream at them before running off and threating to jump of the nearest bridge 

48) You've put a bench in your garden in hope that Marius will turn up

49) You've turned almost all the games you have into Les Mis themed ones

50) You have already planned your wedding....It's gonna be identical to Marius' and Cosette's one !!!


 When someone insults anything to do with Les Miserables you stare in shock and horror at them  before yelling to your friends "To the barricades!" But notice they have already walked off in the opposite direction so you start singing 'empty chairs at empty tables'.


I can't meet up with you tonight, I'm feeling ill...any important things going on in there this evening ??

Thanks !!! Remember to VOTE and SHARE if you are enjoying this so far !! Ok, au revoir !!!

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