100 Ways To Prove That You Are Addicted To Les Mis Chaper 4

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Bonjour again,

Well Done to JustAFantasy for winning the competition with this great answer ' Of course not !! No no, that's not from him ! The bakers was giving away free samples. No, this guy just transported it. AHHHHHH RUNNNNNNNN IT'S JAVERT, OHMYGOSH CAN I HAVE YOUR AUTOGRAPH ?!?!? '

31) You have a Victor Hugo shrine in your bedroom

32) When your friend borrows your drink you make them sing ' Let the wine of friendship never run dry '

33) You go round at lunch begging your friends for food and drink because you are pretending to be a peasant

34) When you're meant to be revising for a test you end up just sitting there wondering how Marius didn't notice that Eponine loved him, then you shout at Marius for being so blind and rip your revision papers up in your rage

35) When you fail that test you sing ' I Dreamed A Dream ' for the rest of the day wishing that Jean Valjean will appear and kill your bad grade and change it to a good one

36) When the history teacher is talking about ' courageous leaders ' you can't help but shout ' ENJOLRAS !! 'at them

37) You have made/bought a June Rebellion rosette and won't let anybody touch it

38) In a cookery class when you have no idea what you're meant to be doing you always sing in your mind ' Water in the wine, making up the weight '

39) When you're asking your parents for money you sing ' Look down, and see the beggars at your feet, Look down, Look down, upon your fellow man '

40) In a French class you watch Les Miserables and by the end of the movie you and your French teacher are crying your eyes out and singing ' To love another person is to see the face of God ' whilst everybody is staring at you and your friends are hanging their heads in shame pretending they don't know you


When somebody forgets your name and you shout at them ' I AM JAVERT, DO NOT FORGET MY NAME !! '


Wanna grab a drink at the Inn tonight ??

Ok, remember to VOTE , COMMENT and SHARE if you are enjoying the series so far !!!! Au revoir everyone !!!

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