100 Ways To Prove That You Are Addicted To Les Mis Chapter 3

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Bonjour again everybody !!!!

Well Done to 221bee for winning the competition with this brilliant answer ' WHAT I AM OUTRAGED YOU WOULD EVEN SUGGEST...........hey...wait..........How big is the pizza ???...There's a hole in my barricade and it's circular.....yeah......Yeah !!!! I would love to have pizza with you...heheheh '

21) You go to get a coffee and when they ask for your name to put on the cup and you tell them your Les Mis name and then have to teach them how to write it

22) You refuse to go to bed until you have seen the stars in the sky and then sung 'Stars' outside

23) You name all your toys after the characters in Les Mis

24) You're the ONLY person in the class who is enthusiastic about learning French

25) When somebody gives you something and you say 'merci' instead of 'thank you' ( Sorry bakewelltart.... )

26) When someone asks you 'who are your best friends with' and you reply simply with 'Barricade Boys from the June Rebellion 1832'

27) Whenever you go over a bridge you just have look over the sides to see if Javert's dead body is there

28) You build barricades regularly to protest against your parents when they tell you to do your homework

29) All your non 1832 friends have got packed lunch and you walk to get school dinner ( ewww, gross ) by yourself so you sing 'On My Own'

30) You demand that your friends must say 'bonjour, salut, and au revoir' instead of 'hello, hi, bye'


when you get asked to do a chore or work ( like carrying wooden logs to the other end of the garden !!) and the whole time you sing 'look down look down you'll always be a slave !!'


Hey !! Where you stealing from that person over there ?! I

Ok, competition entries in by Saturday and remember to VOTE and SHARE if you are enjoying this, Au revoir everyone and see you next time

100 Ways To Prove That You Are Addicted To Les MisWhere stories live. Discover now