100 Ways To Prove That You Are Addicted To Les Mis Chapter 6

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Bonjour again !!

Well done to OnMyOwn24601 for winning the competition with this brilliant answer ' Ummm..Nothing is happening EXCEPT THE REVOLUTION !!! YOU IDIOT !!! HOW COULD YOU BE SO CARELESS !! EVEN LITTLE GAV ISN'T PULLING OUT !!! NO EXCUSES !! NO ONE CARES ABOUT YOUR LONELY SOUL !!!! Wait !! Did you say you are ill ?? Is...is it.....contagious ?! AHHHHHH !!! GO AWAY !!! DISEASE !!! RUN FOR YOUR LIFE !!! AAAHHHH !!! '

51) Your hobby is translating Les Mis into French then memorising it

52) You've taken loads of Les Mis quizzes about the book AND the musical and got all the questions right

53) You have learnt that trying to fall out of your window with a red flag doesn't work very well and results in a bruised head

54) You have tried to murder your school librarian because they don't have the Les Mis novel in the library

55) You really want a cool Eponine style hat OR an even cooler Enjolras vest

56) You've nicknamed your cat 'R' because he/she walks like they are drunk and sleeps a lot

57) You can pretty much relate anything to Les Mis

58) You honestly believe that the Thenardiers are paying your parents because you believe they actually had a sixth child, which was you, and then sold you off to your parents ( or in my case I believe the Thenardiers sold their first child off becuse I know I am Eponine Thenardier... )

59) You say a quote from a Les Mis character at least once a day

60) When you're eating your dad's cooking 'Tough on the teeth but what the hell' pops into your head


When your teachers are afraid you are going to start an student uprising because you're always talking about revolution and when you get mad at them you jump on a table yelling "Damn your warnings! Damn your lies! You will see the children rise!" Then you jump off the table screaming "To the barricade!!!" While singing Do you hear the people sing? And then you grab all the furniture and build a barricade. It is always know in these moments for everyone to stare and think you insane but once it's over they always know its you coming and they should watch out when 'Do you hear the people sing?' is being hummed along the hall.


Urgh.. I'm sooo tired, did you get a good night's sleep ??

Remember to VOTE and SHARE if you are enjoying the series so far !! Au revoir everyone !!

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