Chapter Sixteen

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It was the following week and it was time to make the announcement that Prince Harry was in fact seeing someone.  None of the Royal family or Rose's family was sure how everyone would react to the news of him dating someone who was American.  This time they weren't just rumors and lies made up.  It was a real relationship.  

In the end though, it was what Harry and Rose thought of their relationship that mattered and their loved ones.  

Kensington palace was to release a statement today regarding his relationship with Rose Anderson and Harry wanted to be there with her when that happened.  He had not only made a promise to himself when he went into this relationship that he vowed to protect her, but also her father.  

Getting into a black Range Rover, his driver along with a body guard, and himself drove to Rose's place.  

When they pulled up to her house he was thankful to see that there hadn't been any press at her doorstep but he wondered how long that would last.  Would they ever have their own kind of normal again that they had for two years?

Harry went into his girlfriend's house knowing that she would be there.  She had to unfortunately take time off from work.  He had to admit that he felt bad.  He knew how much she loved her job and he didn't want to take that from her.  

As the door opened after knocking he saw his girlfriend looking distraught.  He immediately wrapped his arms around her in a comforting hug.  He knew that her having to take time off from work was taking a toll on her.  

He just hoped she didn't lose friends in the process of this news.  


"So what will happen after the news breaks out that were dating?  I mean what will happen to my family?  They're all the way back in the United States."  Rose starts by saying as she lays on top of her boyfriend on her couch with her running her small dainty fingers through his hair.

"If the press doesn't leave you guys alone I can always ask for protection on you guys.  It happened with Kate and her family..."  Harry trailed off.

"That's so reassuring," she states sarcastically.  

"Sorry," he smiles sheepishly, "but in all honesty let me protect you if need be.  Please."

"Okay," she says in a quiet voice bringing her lips to his in a lingering kiss.  

 A Statement By The Communications Secretary to Prince Harry 

Prince Harry has had to grow up in the spotlight at an early age and has then had to put his private life out there for everyone.  He is very fortunate for the life he leads and knows that there are certain obligations to his life.  

That being said, Prince Harry is dating American girlfriend, Rose Anderson, and has been for three years.  Their recent vacation to St. Tropez marked their third year anniversary.  

They had decided on a mutual level to date in secret for those first two years.  They had wanted a sense of normalcy, and he feels that with her.  They both felt that the time was right to announce to the public that they are together and very much in love.  

Prince Harry asks for his privacy at this time with Rose.  He wants to be able to protect her and be there for her during this time as it is very new information for the world to process.  Prince Harry realizes that with him living the life he lives, that there is no privacy.  But he asks for the respect and privacy to his relationship with Ms. Anderson.  

Rose Anderson has met the Royal family and they all get along quite nicely and vice versa.   


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