Chapter Thirty-Five

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The sun was seeping through the curtains as Harry's eyes fluttered open.  His legs were tangled with Rose's as she lay asleep next to him.  Her left hand resting on his bare chest.  Thoughts of last night came flashing back to him and he couldn't believe he was getting married.  He finally understood how Will felt when he had become engaged to Kate. 

He was happy, thrilled even.

He felt Rose stir next to him as their naked bodies were tangled together in a heap.  Her eyes opened as she rubbed the sleep from them.  Looking into her blue grey eyes was all the beauty he needed.  They were like a storm and just like any storm you have to go through there would be a calming effect.  The calm before the storm.  But her eyes held such beauty in them that he couldn't imagine a safer place to be.

"Morning," Rose said to him as she cleared her throat to get rid of the raspy voice.


Harry pressed his lips onto hers for a sweet kiss.  Rose cupped his face with her left hand as she felt herself being melted into him.


"I can't believe we're getting married," Rose said to Harry as she turned her head to face him.

They were still in bed, too lazy and enthralled in one another to care.

"I know.  It's like I feel like I'm living in a dream.  But if I am I don't ever want to wake up."

"I can promise you, Harry, this is not a dream.  Yet, for some reason it doesn't seem surreal to me either.  Maybe it's the fact that it will take some getting use to.  But in any case, this is the happiest I ever been.  With you, in this moment."

"I couldn't agree more."

"I got your families permission," Harry told Rose as he was playing with the ring that was on her finger.

"What?" Rose stared at him in shock.

"That time before we went to Germany.  I lied to you when I said I had a Royal engagement to attend.  I didn't.  I flew back to your home and spoke privately to your dad, then your mum, and your brothers and sister.  I wanted to make sure that your whole family was alright with the idea of us getting married.  Of course, your sister started screaming and about fainted when I showed her the ring."  Harry chuckled at the memory.

It was quite hilarious really.  Rose's brothers Matthew and Nathan had teased Candace relentlessly after that.  Some of their jokes made Harry laugh out loud along with her parents Allison and John.  The whole family was thrilled for the couple even though they didn't know if Rose had said yes or not. 

But Allison knew her daughter like the back of her hand.  Hell, she raised her for twenty-five years.

Even though she was an adult now and could make her own choices, Allison felt as though she would never stop raising her children.

"That means so much to me, Harry. Thank you." Rose brought him in for another kiss.

The love she had for this man was unmeasured. All she wanted was for him to be happy. Rose hadn't quite been able to look at the ring yet. When they stopped kissing she moved her left hand to be in front of her.

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