Chapter Twenty-Three

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While Rose was in Italy, she decided to write Harry a letter along with some pictures of the trip, but only a few of her favorite ones. She didn't want to overwhelm him while he was away at war but she wanted him to see that she was doing okay. She didn't dare complain about how her relatives treated her and their relationship. Rose didn't want to worry him. His problems were much worse and hers felt small compared to his.

They were in their last destination- Venice, Italy. She had a blast on her family vacation and it really did help to take her mind off of missing Harry a lot. She didn't cry herself to sleep as much either.

Ripping off a piece of paper and grabbing a pen, she began to write. 


Somewhere in Afghanistan

"Alright gather around," The commander yelled.

The platoon gathered around at their bunks excited to see if they got any mail.  Harry tried to keep the silly grin that was daring to come out, but he knew he shouldn't.  He knew he shouldn't get his hopes up that his girlfriend of three years would write to him or anything.  It had only been a month and he knew that she was off on vacation with her family.

He hoped that Rose was okay and that the press wasn't too much for her while he was gone. He already had one girlfriend break up with him because she couldn't handle it. He wasn't sure if he could handle another break up for that same reason. Harry knew that the press were always going to be there but that didn't mean that they left a bad taste in his mouth.

"Captain Wales, your pretty popular," said his commander as he handed Harry his letters and parcels.

As he got them, a big grin spread across his face as he recognized that one handwriting he had been hoping for. His fingers traced along the nice handwriting. He got parcels from Kate, Will, his dad, and granny, but he really wanted to open up Rose's letter first.

As he opened it up carefully he laid back on his bunk putting his left arm behind his head as he began reading.

Dear Harry,

I don't really know where to begin, except for that I miss you. I miss waking up to you. I miss your kisses. I miss making love to you. But most of all I just miss being in the comfort of your arms.

How are you? It probably sounds like such a silly question but I wonder how your doing all the time.

I hope your doing well and that you are your troops are safe. I pray for you constantly.

My family and I are on our trip right now, but I've wanted to write you ever since we began. We're in our last destination- Venice, Italy.  I put in some pictures as well with this letter.

While we were in Germany, we went to Heidelberg where my mom is from and decided to visit our relatives.  

I'm counting down the months until I get to see you again.  



Harry couldn't get rid of the smile on his face even if he was forced to by his commanders.  He missed his girlfriend.  Harry thought back to what Will had talked to him about before he left and he wondered when would be the right time.  Just then he heard commotion from his fellow soldiers and turned his attention to him only to find his three closest friends smirking at him.  

"What?"  Harry asked them.

"Is that your girlfriend?"  

"If you must know, yes it is."  

"Why didn't you tell us that you were seeing someone after you know?"

They didn't want to say Chelsy's name in case it was sensitive.  They all had met Chelsy and thought she was nice but they felt bad for Harry that she couldn't handle the press and ultimately decided to end things because of it.  Everyone of them had seen the news articles that their fellow soldier was in a relationship with someone named Rose and had been seeing for the last three years.  They weren't hurt though that Harry hadn't told them and kept it a secret, they were happy for him.  

"It's just I wanted to keep her safe you know?  After Chelsy not being able to handle the press, I didn't want that to be the same reason Rose would leave.  But then I realized that they weren't the same people and we talked about it and figured it was the right time."  Harry explained to them.

"Have you met her family?"

"Yeah, I met them after a year of dating Rose."

Before they could get anymore answers out of Harry, their commander came in.  

"Guys, were heading out."  

The four of them rushed to be with their troops as Harry got in his helicopter and put on his helmet as they started flying up in the air.  


Rose and her family were enjoying a nice gondola ride in Venice.  She couldn't believe that her time was coming to an end with her family.  Rose wished that they could stay longer but she knew that they had lives and work to get back to in the States.  She couldn't be selfish just because she was missing her boyfriend.  

After the gondola ride, they decided to get some margherita pizza and some soda for dinner.  This was Rose's go-to meal in Italy.  She loved getting to try the different margherita pizza's in restaurants.  

As she dipped her pizza in some ranch dressing she couldn't help but reminisce about her trip to St. Tropez with Harry for the anniversary where she made him try it.  Luckily, she had her sunglasses on so her family couldn't see that she was trying to blink back the tears.  

She hoped that it would get easier as time went on.  

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