Chapter 4

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Jessica's POV

He just tsked and walked to somewhere... I followed him of course... Because maybe he will lead me to the dining room... Where there are many foods!!!

After many hours of walking for me... We arrived at the dining room... By we... I mean Me and this bunned guy

I stood by the door and saw many foods!!! If you only saw me... Hearts are forming at my eyes

I sat down between the blonde one and bandanged one... Why? It wouldnt hurt to sit beside them right?

I looked at the foods... There were Chicken Curry,Pasta,Soup and I didnt bother to look at the rest

I took some Chicken Curry and a little amount of soup... I hurried eating cause the atmosphere in here was awkward

When I finished eating I stood up and was to walk to my room but the guy with grey hair stopped me

"If you would kindly please go to the living room now and wait for us there" The grey haired guy said "Sure? I guess" I said and tried to find the living room

Unfortunately, I got lost and I had no idea where I am I just stayed right the exact spot so if something comes out I dont know what will I do

Then somebody tapped my shoulder then I saw the guy with bandages....

"Follow me.... Eve-chan" He said and walked... I followed him and after like hours of walking we arrived the living room... Everyone was there

"You are so troublesome" The grey haired guy said and I just rolled my eyes "It's not my fault!! I keep getting lost!!" I complained

"Well then let me introduce everyone" Grey headed said "I am Ruki and this is Kou and this is Yuma and lastly Azusa" He said pointing everyone "Well then... I am Komori... Komori Jessica" I said

"Nice to meet you... Jessi-chan" Kou said if that is the blondie's name... "You too... Uhh... Kou?" I said and he nodded

Then it was silent... Awkwardly silent so broke it "I'm just go somewhere... Bye!" After I said that I ran to random a random place

When I stopped running I found myself lost... Again "Urghhhh... I'm lost again?!!" I yelled to myself... Then I decided to look for a window... After like 5 minutes of searching I found one...

I opened it and jumped... I landed on the ground safely "No broken bone" So I stood up and looked for their front gate

Ayato's POV

I just finished eating dinner and I didnt saw Jessica...

Where could that little brat be

I thought to myself... Oh well...

Maybe she is exploring around the mansion or maybe she escaped... No wait she can't leave her dear sister behind... Wait... Why am I even concerned?!!

I just stopped thinking and go to some place quiet to rest my head from thinking

I got to the garden and sat on a bench and looked at the stars...

They do look beautiful in a night like this

I just kept gazing at the stars and admiring them... But something isn't right and I can feel it

Mei's POV

After like hours of searching I found the front gate...

Wait... I can teleport!!!

I hitted my head for like 10 times

Baka... Baka... Baka...

I just shrugged it off and tried to open the gate but my luck is against me today... It's locked... Real good...

I punched it repeatedly and it won't just open!!! Which is getting me angry and irritated

"Trying to escape Jessi-chan?" A voice said suddenly and I got chills up and down my spine "Jeez... Don't talk out of nowhere... Your gonna make people die easily" I said breathing heavily while holding my chest

"Gomenesai" He said I looked up and saw Kou... I sighed deeply... "Thank goodness it's you who saw me... If it was Ruki I should've gotten had a punishment already" I said

"Well I'm giving you a punishment" Kou said "W-What?!" I yelled "Your gonna let me suck your blood and you are not to complain" Kou said sternly "Are you crazy?!! Are you gonna drink blood from another vampire?!!" I asked-yelled "Your a vampire?!" He yelled

And the yelling continues and I was getting sleepy... "Go head to sleep" Kou said "Cause you look tired" "I don't look tired I really am jackass!!" I yelled and teleported to my room layer in my bed and fell asleep immediately

-------------------Author's Note-------------------

I am truly sorry for not updating for like a month because I lost access to my wattpad account because my mom logged our my account and removed my WiFi!!😭 But till then I can't stop using wattpad so you can't blame me... Well only for the long slow updates But then... Thank you for reading my story even though it always ends with a cliffhanger But then again thank you 💝💝

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