Ch.3 Ron boi

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Ronnie got to the R&B district of the city and he walked slowly "yo Ronnie ?" Justin radioed in on his ear piece. " what's cracking cuz ?" Ronnie scanned the city as he walked " you think eman is okay dude ?" Justin asked. Ronnie tied his hair up " I don't know man . I couldn't tell you , he used to be sort of chill , I mean he's always been too serious about life but lately he's been a little on edge ever since Rosetta came into the picture .... I think he's afraid , his success costed him his whole family . We basically are his family now and if he loses us then he's alone and that's not something that he's looking forward to " Ronnie said as he continued to walk .

" think that's a subconscious reason to why we try so hard to met his expectations ?" Justin asked . " couldn't tell you  man , I always figured we did it not only because we want to have big life's but I mean he's our friend and he's sharing his success with us when he didn't have to .... I mean personally I'm not the most comfortable with killing or hurting people but it's become to common for me now I might as well have fun with it " Ronnie said " I personally enjoy it ..." Justin said blankly

Ronnie became silent "....I mean it's all about the question of do you see us as the good or the bad guys ...?" Justin asked " we ain't to good for the living ..." Ronnie shrugged "good and bad is all apart of another humans perspective , some people say killing and stealing makes you a bad person , some people think that makes you the man . There is no such thing as good and bad when it's down to the basics of it all ,only things people do like and things people don't like man . Can't worry about it to much you know " Justin stated " I guess ... but aye I'm at the first club on my list so I'll catch you back at HQ" Ronnie said .

"Yeah be safe dude " Justin radioed out . Ronnie walked into the club and sat at the bar " one bottle please " Ronnie pointed behind the bartender "um... a whole bottle of vodka ?" She asked as she cleaned a shot glass . "Uhhh..." Ronnie looked from left to right as if the woman was incompetent "it's a bar gonna serve me or not ?" Ronnie asked as he put the money on the bar . "Gotcha " the woman nodded and handed him a whole bottle of vodka . He drank and listened to the music "hey aren't you Ronnie B? GUYS COME OVER HERE ! ITS RONNIE B!" A guy started yelling . A group of 4 guys surrounded Ronnie "dude you're Ronnie B !" A guy shouted "....I know who I am ?" Ronnie cocked an eyebrow "I love your song, native news man it's super poetic . Like the line when the rivers run dry like dead eyes of a dead man that's when we scream and take our stand . How'd you come up with that ?" The man asked

"By thinking ?" Ronnie said irritatedly "man let's buy RB some drinks ! BARTENDER FIVE WHISKEY FIRES DOWN THIS WAY !" The man yelled " well I ain't one to turn down drinks ." Ronnie spun towards the bar .

For two hours Ronnie took shot after shot , drink after drink soon he had four eyes , but he was used to not seeing straight . A guy tried to grab Ronnie by the shoulder but accidentally fell and brought Ronnie down with him " dude get off me !" Ronnie stood up and brushed himself off ." I'm so sorry man , thanks for the time man . Hope we see you again " the guys patted Ronnie on the back and all of them left " yeah whatever " Ronnie slouched back on the bar stool .

A few minutes later he heard a hard buzzing noise only feet away from him . He heard a black haired man talking . The man had long straight hair that came down to his waist . He was dressed almost the same as Immanuel but he wore a hoodie instead of a smooth jacket .

Ronnie listened to the man talk to his friend " you know that mook that was down here just a couple hours ago ? The guy in the black suit , brown boots " the man asked

"Nah ?" His friend replied " the one with short brown hair . Kind of goofy looking ?" The man continued " oh yeah ! The one who fought like everyone in the club " his friend realized

"Yeah, when I got him in a head lock I crossed him for his stun glove but ... this ain't no ordinary stun glove man it like can call down lightning bolts and give or take electricity out of things man it's like a full of crazy stuff  man " the man flashed the glove and sipped his beer .

 this ain't no ordinary stun glove man it like can call down lightning bolts and give or take electricity out of things man it's like a full of crazy stuff  man " the man flashed the glove and sipped his beer

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Ronnie stood and grabbed the man by the shoulders "I got a heavy feeling that glove ain't yours my dude " Ronnie spun the guy around

"Oh you feel like this isn't my glove huh ? Nah I think you're feeling kind of sleepy " the man smiled

He charged his fist back and grabbed Ronnie by the face and started to electrocute him .

Ronnie grabbed the mans hand and slowly removed it from his face and the mans face became straight "umm...." he mumbled " ...there is way to much alcohol in my system for me to feel that , also I'm a beast man one stun glove ain't gonna take me down that easily " Ronnie blinked slowly at the man

"Now would you like to be crushed or chopped because I am capable of making either or both of those things happen to you " Ronnie reached onto his back for his hammer but he felt nothing there "wha-wait ? Where's shiva I swear I brought her with me ?" Ronnie said as he looked around .

"Sucker!" The man yelled . He punched Ronnie knocking him off balance and once Ronnie fell they sped out of the club " damn it !" Ronnie got up and ran after them.

Ronnie bursted out of the club doors "oh joint !" He stumbled out into the street and was hit by a car he flew forward and hit the back of the car in front of him "aye man watch where your driving !" Ronnie scrambled back to his feet " get out of the street you stupid drunk !" The guy in the car shouted "aye don't test me I snatch you out that car now "Ronnie jumped at the  man .

The man mocked Ronnie and continued driving "buster " Ronnie said under his breath. Ronnie looked around and the guys who stole hunters glove was no where to be seen and his hammer was no where in sight as well . He slumped against the side of the clubs and pressed his palm to his forehead "really bruh ..." he sighed out and leaned his head back

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