Chapter 4

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Harry and I walked into Niall's house. It had been raining outside and both of our clothes were soaked. 

"Mate?!?" Harry shouted, the words echoing through the house. "Maybe he's still at the Arena." Harry said, as I followed him walking through Niall's house.  

"So, you all live in this town?" I asked, trying to break the awkward silence. 

"Yep! All 5 of us. Management had us all move out of London once everyone had our addresses." Harry answered. We walked into his living room and Harry plopped onto Niall's couch and picked up the TV remote. 

"Niall doesn't mind?" I asked. Harry seemed to have no problem with making himself at home. He kicked off his shoes and stretched himself across the couch. 

"Why would Niall care? It's my house too!" Harry said, throwing his hands up at the end. It's Harry's house too? He didn't mention that. Harry sat up and patted the empty seat next to him on the couch. I walked over to him. 

"But only because you're a friend from school." I said before sitting down. "So, tell me again why I'm here?" I asked. 

"Well, I was about to get mobbed by screaming girls and Niall's place was closer to the arena." Harry replied like it was the most obvious thing in the world. 

"Yeah, but why am I here?" I asked, still confused. 

"Because we are friends, aren't we?" Harry said a smirk on his face.  

"Umm. Yeah, I guess we are." I said. Harry smiled at me and I smiled back. We stared into each other's eyes for a moment. It was all very romantic the only problem is I didn't want it to be. So, I quickly tried to ruin the moment. 

"Gosh, it's raining really hard out there; isn't it?" I said, breaking eye contact with Harry and looking down at my wet clothes. 

"Yeah, it is. You know I have plenty of dry shirts in my room if you want to borrow one. I mean, you must be freezing." Harry said. 

"I'll be fine, I-"Before I could finish, Harry had gotten up off the couch and ran upstairs to his room. While he was upstairs, I took out my phone and opened up Instagram. 

"Oh no. no. no. no. no. no no no." I said, shaking my head. My whole feed was filled with pictures of Harry and I outside the arena, in his car, backstage, everywhere! All of the captions were about how people thought that Harry and I were secretly dating. 



Sorry ladies, Hazza isn't single anymore. 

This is legit guys!!!! Harry Styles is in fact, dating someone! 

"What do you mean 'oh no?' What happened?" Harry asked as he walked into the living room with a shirt for me in his hand. He sat down next to me, and handed me the shirt. I handed him my phone with my Instagram feed open in return. 

"Look! People think we are dating, now!!" I shouted to Harry as he looked through the pictures. Harry's jaw dropped. 

"Holy shit." Harry said as he scrolled among the endless amount of pictures of us. 

"What if people from school see it?!?!" I shouted as I stood up off the couch, Harry followed me and stood up himself. Harry paced the floor thinking. 

"It will be ok! We just have to get pictures of you with someone else, all over the internet. Then, they will think it was just photo shopped or something." Harry said, looking relieved that he came up with something. 

"Yeah, but Harry; everyone else is who we are trying to fool! There's no one for me to pretend like I'm dating." I said, still panicking and pacing the floor. 

"But there is..." Harry said through a smirk. "Marcel....." Just as he said that the loud sound of a door slamming made both of us turn our heads towards the doorway. Niall walked into the room. 

"Hey mate." Niall said before plopping himself on the couch. Harry and I just looked at each other, frozen in our places. Niall didn't even notice me. 

"Um...Niall, this is Lauren." Harry said as he motioned to me, still frozen in my place. I waved. 

"Oh. You're the girl from the photos, right?" Niall asked. Harry and I both just nodded our heads, leaving an awkward silence in the room. 

"Well, I better go. My friends are probably freaking out." I said, as I picked up my purse and walked towards the door. 

"I'll drive you home." Harry quickly grabbed his keys and ran behind me.

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