Chapter 8

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I was on my laptop, sprawled out across my bed. I always used the internet to get away from what was going on in my real life and right now everything, wasn’t going so great. Management had given us a deadline for when Harry and I had to go public with our “relationship”. It was on my birthday, and management obviously didn’t care. The weird thing is, no one from school has treated me differently despite the dating rumors between me and a member of the most popular boy bands of our generation. It was really funny that no one at my school had noticed me yet. To be honest, I think Harry is enjoying this whole thing way too much. Whenever we were getting lectured by management, Harry never seemed as annoyed. He looked almost happy. I was beginning to think that he actually liked me. Which would have bothered me a lot when I first met him but after the past few weeks I’ve spent with him, I was a little worried that I liked him too. It was strange because we never really had any “connections”. Our friendship literally consisted of him coming over every now and then to work on a project together. That was about it, so I don’t understand why either of us would like each other. Suddenly, the doorbell rang, from downstairs. Yes, my dorm had two floors. I didn’t live in a normal dorm; our campus’s dorms were more like apartments, they were pretty big. I quickly hopped out of bed, and ran downstairs, slowly making my way to the door and before I could reach it, Kate had let herself in. Kate had a key, so I didn’t get why she always rang the doorbell.

“We come bearing food!!” Kate shouted, running past me and into the living room waving Chinese takeout in the air. I laughed as Kate set the food on my living room table, and stretched out across my couch. It seemed a little odd because Kate was normally a quiet kind of person. She was probably drunk, Kate normally was after she hung out with her new boyfriend, Tyler who I didn’t particularly like. I hate to sound like a parent but, he was a really bad influence on Kate. Tyler was always drunk, and Kate never was one to be left out. I turned my attention to the doorway. Trailing behind a drunk Kate was Luke and Harry, dressed in their normal school disguises. Followed by, the last person I wanted to see, Tyler himself.

“Hey Kara.” Tyler smirked as he walked past me down the entryway. He knew I didn’t like him and he didn’t like me either. It probably made him happy to know that he was bothering me by being in my dorm.

“Kate!! How could you invite him?!?” I said to Kate, as I lead Luke and Harry into the living room, where Kate was still lying across my couch.

“Oh right, I forgot to tell you.” Kate mumbled to herself. “Hey Lauren, Tyler is coming.” Kate said, laughing and clapping her hands, clearly amused with herself. Kate always acted like a little kid when she was drunk, it was a bit amusing actually.

“You don’t say?” I said sarcastically, putting my hands on my hips.

“So, I’m guessing you two don’t get along.” Luke laughed, pointing at me and Tyler.

“No!” Tyler and I both said in unison.

“Noted.” Luke laughed.

“So, you brought takeout?” I said, changing the subject and walking towards the takeout Kate had set on the table. I looked through the paper bag, taking out a box of food and examining it. Tyler ran over and snatched the box out of my hand.

“Heeeeeey. That one was minnnneeeee.” Kate whined like a little kid, as she got up off the couch and walked over to where Tyler had just sat down on the chair across from her.

“Well, it’s mine now.” Tyler smirked. I rolled my eyes and took the bag of food into the kitchen, setting it on the counter. Luke and Harry followed me into the kitchen, when I saw them walk in “He seems nice.” Harry joked.

“Oh he’s just a bundle of joy.” I said sarcastically.

“So, when do you two go public?” Luke changed the topic. I raised an eyebrow at him, unaware that he knew about the whole plan.

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