Chapter 11

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It is two days before the announcement that Harry and I are “dating” and you know what that means; two days before my birthday. Honestly, I couldn’t care less about my birthday. I wasn’t one to throw huge parties. I normally just go do something with Kate but Kate and I hadn’t even mentioned my birthday at all. The thing that I was most worried about was how our fake relationship was to be announced. Management wouldn’t tell us anything yet, but they talk about how I have to be at one of Harry’s interviews that day. I wonder what their plan was. Maybe Harry was just going to be straight forward and blurt it out, maybe they were going to bring me on during the interview, which was live, may I add.  All of the different possibilities made me cringe. I wasn’t used to publicity, and although Harry was; I knew he would be as nervous as I was.

“Lauren… Lauren… LAUREN!” Kate shouted, waving her hand in front of my face, “You still alive?” She laughed. It didn’t seem like long, but apparently I was absorbed in my thoughts for quite a while. I didn’t even notice where we were. Kate was driving me home, she spent the night at my house so we just decided to ride together.

“Hmm? Um, yeah.” I mumbled.

“Did you hear what I said?” Kate asked, looking away from the road and turning her head to me for a second. I shook my head. “I was saying how that Marcel kid definitely likes you.” Kate smirked.

“Oh is that so?” I said sarcastically.

“I’m serious, Lauren. He was staring at you all history class!” Kate laughed before turning on the radio and with literally the worst timing in the entire world, ‘What Makes You Beautiful’ came on. I automatically reached to turn it off and Kate’s hand slapped it away. “Oh come on, Kate! They aren’t that bad.” Kate said, before turning up the volume even more. I rolled my eyes. “I mean you have to admit, Harry Styles is really cute.”

“I don’t have to admit anything.” I smirked.


I was at Harry’s house. Attending the last meeting we would have with management before Harry’s announcement interview. They still wouldn’t explain to us the plan.

“Well, how are we supposed to know what to do?” Harry asked.

“Now Mr. Styles, I already explained this. We will tell you when to do everything.” Said, Mr. Bridges.

“I have a feeling that’s not going to work.” I laughed. The man stood up from his desks, slamming his knuckles on the desk.

“Did we ask for opinions?” Mr. Bridges shouted. Harry and I both shook our heads. As short and scrawny as the man was, he was very intimidating. I’d hate to get him very angry. The man sat back down, letting out a deep breath and his angry look faded into an evil looking grin. “Now, we have some even more exciting news for you.” He said, directing his comment towards me. I nodded my head and waiting for him to go on but he didn’t. There was short moment of silence before he nodded his head towards the doorway of the room. Harry and I both turned around in our seats as Louis Tomlinson and Ashton Irwin walked into the room. I was so used to being with Niall, Harry, and Luke that by now, seeing celebrities didn’t faze me. “Lauren, meet your new roommates.” Mr. Bridges announced. I turned back around to face the manager.

“You’re joking, right?” I questioned, raising an eyebrow. He had to be messing with me. There is no way he would be making me move out of my dorm.

“Trust me, he’s not.” Ashton said, making me turn my body back to face the two of them standing in front of the doorway.

“Um, why?” I asked, turning once again to face the manager.

“Well, as soon as this relationship goes public people will try and find you. Considering it won’t be hard to your address, and phone number. We have to give you new ones.” Mr. Bridges said, sliding a phone and a set of keys towards me. I tried to as cool with it as possible. I scooted forward in my seat, grabbing the keys and phone and sitting back in my chair. “So, starting tonight you will be living with Ashton and Louis.” He said, like it was the most normal thing in the world.

“What about my stuff?” I questioned.

“Some of your clothes and other things are already in your new room but just a few things.” Mr. Bridges replied. It didn’t surprise me that they had broken into my dorm without me knowing.

“And my car?” I said, trying to hide how much I was freaking out inside.

“That will be left where it is. Luke will be bringing you to school every morning. If there are any other rides needed, I’m sure Ashton and Louis would be happy to help. Isn’t that right boys?” Mr. Bridges answered. Ashton and Louis nodded, it was obvious they were intimidated by him too. “Great. Lauren, Ashton and Louis will be taking you there now. Harry, I need you to stay for a minute.” Mr. Bridges said, motioning for us to leave. I stood up and followed Ashton and Louis out to Ashton’s car. I had a feeling this would be an “interesting” adventure.


So, I made a trailer because I got bored this weekend. But anyways, my laptop crashed right before I was going to publish the youtube video with picture explanations you guys asked for (so far including: lauren's dorm, lauren's clothes, harry and niall's house, their school, and the cast) I have to start over. So, If you have any more requests just comment below, or send me a private message. Thanks!

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