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You mean the world to me
The universe
The stars
The moon
All of the galaxies
And their black holes that never end

You mean the world to me
You're my everything

I wish I could show you but I feel it every single day in my body
My mind
My heart
My soul

You're the best thing that has ever happened to me and you are the best thing that could ever happen to me if I do say so myself.
I love you so much that even these words do not cover it.

Right now I've been making a list of things. Just to kind of show you the way in of how much we love each other and how much you make me happy

The list is called "Things you say that make me smile"

And every time we have a conversation face to face
Every time we text
Every time we talk on the phone
Every time you ever say something. Anything. That makes me smile truly with happiness whether the smile be big or small, I write it down. I put it in the list.

I plan one day to publish the list. So you can see it. And maybe, even if you don't remember saying or even thinking those things, they will make you smile too.

And that is the goal of course. To make daddy smile. To make him happy and loved and warm and fuzzy and fulfilled and even more loved. To let you know how much I truly do love you daddy. Because you're the best daddy in this whole world and I just love you so freaking much :). You're my kryptonite and I never ever ever want to let you go. I love you daddy.

I love you so very much :)

Your kitten. 💋

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