Chapter 32: Whats Your Reason?

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Chapter 32

What's Your Reason?

I watched Adonis and his knee that seemed to never stop shaking. He bit his sandwich and continued chewing like he was in his own little world. His soul focus was on the tray in front of him and nothing else. He's been like this all day, in his own little bubble not paying anyone any mind. I know good and well what it's about and I feel bad for him, really bad.

I reached out and touched his shoulder. He immediately stopped everything and kept staring at his tray before looking up and over at me. He had a very bland look to his face which bothered me even more and made me feel worse. Since he's agreed to talk to his mama he's been on edge for a week straight and tomorrow is the day it's all suppose to happen and he's even more on edge than he ever was. I only feel bad because I feel he's doing it for me more than for his self and I don't want him to do it because he thinks it'll make me happy when in reality it's about him, and Isa and what he believes is best for them.

"Yea?" He finally asked.

I looked around the table noticing that everyone was looking at us now or more so at Adonis. I know they've been anxious to know what's been up with him or to hear him have an actual conversation because he hasn't talked to any of them either really. He's been so detached from everyone that even Ameer had to ask me what was up because as his best friend he didn't even know.

I pulled his arm so he could come closer so I could whisper in his ear. "Can we talk?"


"Good com--"

"Later." He finished and then stood from the table and dumped his food out.

We all watched him walk out of the cafeteria and shook our heads before Loren decided to speak up. "What's wrong with him?"

""I don't know." I mumbled.

I know good and well what's going on and if Adonis wanted any of them to know he would've mentioned it to them. It isn't my business to tell at all so I'll keep it to myself for that reason as well. Loren focused in on me a little longer and then raised her eyebrow once everyone else at the table got back in their own conversations. I shook my head as a response to let her know I wasn't open to talk about it at all.

I got up and headed for the doors so I could go find Adonis. Once I got through the doors to the cafeteria, and rounded the corner, I caught a glimpse of him shoving someone from in front of him. When I walked a little closer I saw it was Egypt. She was trying hard to grab Adonis. Not sure what the situation was gonna turn into, I decided to just stand back and watch the two of them. Just to see how Adonis handles it all. I mean Egypt hasn't been in school for a few days now so it's real random to see her here and what she could possibly have to say after all of this shit with Adonis.


"Egypt, for real, can you jus' watch out bruh!" I yelled.

"I just want to talk Adonis."

I huffed and stepped away from her. I was jus' trynna head to my favorite teachers class jus' to chill and not have to be around everybody and have them starin' at me every time I even make a lil noise. A nigga a lil anxious right now and bein' around a bunch of folks ain't really the move for me.

Now that I done got away from one problem I run directly into another one. She been all in my grill for the past five damn minutes and I've been trynna keep calm but it's taking everythang out of me not to really go off on her in this damn hallway. I'm just tired of being around everyone and everythang and her wanting to talk ain't making it no better.

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