Chapter Twelve

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Somewhere , California

Alex Pov

As the plane landed me and cameron  grabbed the bags while we let Aaliyah sleep. As we walked down and out the plane bodyguards where on either side of us. Signaling one to step forward I whispered into his ear.

"Go get the girl from off the plane through a blanket over her it's cold". I whispered nodding his head. He followed my orders. I opened the door to my  matte black BMW with tinted windows so he could lay her down properly.  After he placed her in the car I hopped in. Waiting a few minutes for Brian to settle in Aaliyah's car so we could pull off. The SUVs pulling off in front of us we followed behind. I looked in the rear view mirror to see Aaliyah was awoke. She gave me a small smile before climbing over the seat and seating in the passenger side.

" Do you happen to have one of my hookah pens " she asked. Reaching into my leather jacket I pulled it out and passed it to her.

" Thank you " she said. Nodding my head I kept on driving until we approached our exit. Seeing nobody was on the road as usually we cut into the woods and kept driving until we reached the house.
Getting out the car I grabbed two of the bags while she stood against the car and finished her hookah pen. Opening the door to the house   I put the bags down seeing Jason walking towards  me.

" Where is she " he asked while giving me dap . Nodding my head towards outside I walked towards the kitchen to get some food.

Jason Pov

Hearing cars pull up I walked out of my office and into the hallway walking down towards the front door. Seeing Alex I gave him sapped and asked where Aaliyah was. Seeing him nod his head outside I walked out the front door to see Aaliyah smoking a hookah pen.

" You guys can go back to the warehouse I have it from here " I spoke to my men loudly enough for them to hear me. I walking towards Aaliyah I just stared at her. She was beautiful no lie but her attitude sucked. Besides she wasn't my type anyways. Waiting for her to finish I sat on the steps of my porch.

Once she was done I got up and walked towards the house. Hearing her heels click behind me confirmed she was following me. Turning around I closed and locked the front door then put in the code on the side then scanned my eye for security purposes.

" I'm going to give you a tour of the house so you know where everything is at. Then after that I'm going to introduce you into a couple people" I said to her not waiting for a response I turned around and continued walking

Aaliyah Pov

Finally getting to my room it was very elegant. Seeing my suitcases in the middle of the floor I looked around till I spotted two doors. Opening them it revealed a walk in closet heaven. I walked out and grabbed one of my suit case pulling  it toward the closet I started putting my clothes out and hanging them . Then I did my shoes and make up and all my other essentials .

Siting on the little seat in from of my bed I stared out the window looking at all the trees and darkness. Grabbing the grey blanket that lay across my bed.  I stood staring out the window thinking about my life.

Hearing a knock on my door I stood in the same place

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Hearing a knock on my door I stood in the same place .

"Come in" I said loud enough not wanting to yell.

" How are you holding up liyah" I heard stiles ask as he walked closer to me.

" As well as I can get how come she didn't want me stiles was I not good enough" I asked having a line tear fall down my eye.

" liyah you know in your heart she tried to fight hard for you but it was a battle that she had already lost. Your father was dying right there and she couldn't even help him liyah she tried." He responded squeezing my arm.

" She could have tried harder stiles that what I'm saying I went through hell stiles HELL and I still can't find her. I'm trying I really am but I think I need to give it up I keep tracking her but everytime I get close she's already gone" I say as more tears fall down my face but I continue to stare out the window.

" I don't think you know the strength you bury with in you liyah. You are the strongest girl I know to be still standing with everything you went through. When you have to do something serious you numb yourself so you won't think about it later. You fight through all you have been through and still is fighting. Your a little bumble bee that stings but doesn't die just continues to sting. It's okay I be a butterfly sometime liyah. Sometimes you just need to sit back and think and let your thoughts run. Other times you need advice and I'll be here to give it . Goodnight liyah get some rest I'll bring you up something to snack on. " Stiles spoke softly kissing my forehead and he walked out of my room. Standing there for a little longer I gathered my night clothes and moved toward the bathroom. Turning on the shower I waited for it to get warm. While waiting I took of my makeup and threw my hair into a messy bun. Seeing the steam I got myself into the shower and let the water release some of the stress I had on my body.

30 minutes later

Hearing a knock on my door I got up and opened it. I saw Alex on the other end leaning in the door frame.

" Why did you leave " he asked

" Its not like I had a choice Alex if I didnt Jason would have did it by force so why make a scene right" I stated rolling my eyes.

" right but I still can't grasp it man like you just did it with ease like you were accustom to moving" he said looking straight into my eyes. Trying not to keep eye contact for to long I looked somewhere else.

" Maybe because I am Alex I'm used to getting up and moving so much that I've become numb to the filling of it. Moving isn't the problem with me it's more of the what to expect that bothers me" I tell him looking him back into the eyes nodding his head he agave me a hug before leaving the room. Seeing stiles walk in with a plate we talked and watched movies until we both fell asleep.

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