Get me out of here!!

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So I was right, I'm not going to see Katherine until the new term. So, until then I had to deal with him for a week. 

We've only been home a hour and already he's passed out on the sofa. We haven't seen our mother yet, but I told my siblings to go up stair out of the way.

'Don't do anything stupid Robo, if anyone wants me, I'll be in my room' Rosie said while walking up the stairs.

I looked over at my brother and waited for him to go as well. He just crossed his arms and looked at me like he was saying 'you think I'm going'.

'Riley either you're walking up those stairs ... or I'm booting you up them, which one?'

'neither' he answered. I started to walk over to him, I was about to start booting up the stair 'Robert no, if he's hurt mum in anyway I wanna make him pain too' he said 

I just signed, he did have the right to get back at his father as much as I do. We just hung around the kitchen cleaning, cooking and eating snacks. Mother came home and my worst fears had come true. She hadn't seen us in the kitchen, when she walked in. She had a purple scarf wrapped around her neck but it was also covering her face. When she removed the scarf, you could see all the bruises on her face and red marks around her neck.

I could see Riley getting mad per side me, I put my hand on his shoulder. Now I know that I've got a short temper but I know if you just walk out in the kitchen toward him, mum would stop you saying it wasn't his fault. So you have to do it slowly.

Riley looked at  me cause he didn't know what was going on or how to get passed mum. I just shock my head. Mum started to walk into the kitchen not see us yet and started put the shopping away.

I cleared my throat and mum just back. She had a massive smile on her face when she saw us. 'My boys your home!' she said with glee. I smiled and Riley said

'Yep, were home'

'Where's your sister?' My mum asked.

'Upstairs, doing homework' I said.

'Aww I'll go and see her in a minute but first a hug from you two' She threw her arms us and gave us a bear hug.

'Sure mum you go and see Rosie but first tell us how you got those bruises?' I said calmly. 

She sheepishly said 'I fell on the floor'. 

I raised my eye brow 'really, you going for that excuse again?'  She had used it about a million times before.

'Robert Scott, how dare you? it not an excuse' she shouted at me. I just stood there and waited for her to admit it. 'Mummy we know' Riley suddenly said. What was he doing ' Daddy said so when we walked in'

Ah, Riley was the only person in this how who could do the sweet child talk on mum all he has to say is 'mummy' or 'daddy' and he's got mum in to confess anything.

'Alright, he was drunk that's all' she said.

That's all! seriously, I wanted to kill him at the moment. But  Riley had already shoot to the living room to kick the shit out of him and I wasn't far behind him. I got to the living room and the pair of them were already punching each other but Riley was getting hurt more than that thing  so I got involved to. 

'STOP IT ALL FOR YOU' mother tried to tell us but we were to busy to listen. I hit him in the face straight after Riley and while I was doing that Riley hit in the stomach. He hit the floor in a shoot. 

'For fuck sake, you've only been home a day you fucking pissing me off' he shouted.

'Yeah, well that's want you get when you hit our mother, bastard' I shouted back.

'Robert say sorry to your father now' mother said.

'Oh, now you're helping' My father spat at my mother.

'Barry, I'll always be on your side' She smiled down at him.

'Seriously mum, he hits you, he orders you around and he's pushed you away from everyone who you either loved or the people who loved you and for what mum? really tell me?' I said to my mother.

'DON'T YOU DARE TALK TO YOUR MOTHER LIKE THAT' he shouted. He only took her side when they was a chance mum would she sense.  'WE BROUGHT YOU INTO THIS WORLD AND WE COULD EASILY TAKE IT AWAY FROM IT, ALONG WITH THE REST OF YOU'. I swear to god he doesn't know our names, he probably only know mine cause my mother shouts it every time I started a fight with him.


'Oh I dareeee' he said before passing out again. 

I left the room and ran upstairs, I slammed the door of Rosie's room open. She looked shock at first then was about to start asking questions but I stopped her before she began. 'Pack now' I said. 

she just looked at me and said 'I haven't unpacked my bag yet' 

'Got everything you want and need then?' I asked.

she nodded and got her bag. I wasn't letting Riley or Rosie anyway near him when he wake's up. I was scared for they safety, he said that once to me and I woke up two days later, in Hospital. I was risking my sidings lives. I told Riley the same thing as Rosie, I went down stair and rang a hotel and a taxi.

'what are you doing?' Mother said when I finished on the phone.

'Getting my siblings out of this house' I simply said.

'Your Father will never hurt them. why do you think I've got all these' she said while stretching out her arms. 

'Mum, I love you and always will but as long as he's around you'll be on his side. even when you know who's right' I said. she looked at me and she was shaking but nodded she knew I was right. Every if it might me taking her children away from her from her and this home.

'Riley! Rosie!' I shouted. Mum had walked back into the living room to see if he hubby was okay. Riley went straight out to the taxi and put the bags in the boot, I was going to help but I was watching Rosie hug mum. Both of them were crying they eyes out but they knew it was for the best. my mother started to tell Rosie something. Rosie nodded and stood up and walk to me, we left the house and got into the taxi


Riley and Rosie were asleep in they beds, while I sat on the window sill watching the world go around. How the hell was I going to do this?? look after my sister and brother and stay away from him ?? God what have I done?

'Hey' a small voice said. I didn't turn from the window but I knew why Rosie was over here; For a hug. I put my arms out for her and she climbed onto my lap.

'I'm sorry' I whispered.

'I'm not' she replied. I looked down at her, I was expected that one. ' I'm happy you did it'

'But you were crying' I said.

'I'm gonna miss mum, but I don't wanna go back' she said while look out at the world I just nodded and hugged her until we fell asleep.


ZoeJane Xx 

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