My Body.

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I refuse to succumb to the sucking in of tummies. I refuse to succumb to the wearing of pants two sizes two small so the make my thighs look smaller. I refuse to succumb to the avoidance of clothes that hide my love handles.

I refuse to succumb to the, "20 Way to trim your Body Fat!" when I am only 120lbs. I refuse to fill up on water all day to cut my calorie intake. I refuse to throw out my shorts because they show the cellulite on my thighs.

I will never believe someone when they claim their body is not attractive, as each body is attractive in their own way.

I forgot I wrote this poem and have hated my body for the past few days
dysphoria lining the inside of my brain
tugging on my heart string and shoving all these thoughts of loving myself away and last night;

I laid in bed at 3 am wishing I was born a boy, body wise,and didn't have to go through out my day hating myself.

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