Chapter 17: FIFA

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Chapter 17:

Taylors POV

"Emma!?" I hear a familiar voice say in shock. I turn around and see Calum, his eyes were burning with anger.

"Um, Calum..." she says quietly. "I-I can explain."

Before Calum can say anything more Aspen walks up to us. "Um, sorry ma'am. We'll make you another order and it can be free of charge."

"I don't want a discount!" Emma yells stamping her foot on the ground. "I want her to apologize!" She points at me.

"I said I'm sorry! It was an acci-"

"Do you really hate me that much?" Emma asks walking closer to me. "That you would actually spill a drink on me? Wow."


"Um, we'll get you some tissues and you can have your order free of charge. We're so sorry!" Aspen says quickly and pulls me away from them and into the kitchen.

"What the hell was that?"

"I swear I didn't do it on purpose, we've had a rough patch in the past but I promise you I wasn't trying to hurt anyone. It was a total accident."

"Yeah, okay," Aspen says with her hands on her head. She turns around to Jules, "Could you please make another hot chocolate and a caramel muffin for that girl, please and thanks."

"Yeah sure."

Aspen turns back to face me, "Taylor I really hate doing this but I am your boss and I need you to understand that if something like this happens again with your friends I have no other choice but to fire you and your friends will be banned from the cafe."

"Of course, I totally understand. I'm so sorry Aspen, I promise it won't happen again."

Aspen nods at me, "Go clean up."

I clean myself up as much as I could and Jules comes to me with Emma's order. "Could you please take this to her? She scares me and I have other customers to serve."

I laugh, "just leave it on here," I say pointing to the bench top next to me in the kitchen.

"Thank you!"

Once I finish cleaning up I grab Emma's order and walk up to her. Calum was now sitting opposite her on her table and they looked like they were arguing. I walk up to them and give Emma her order.

"Here you go."

"Can someone please tell me what the fuck is going on between you two," Calum says looking at me and Emma.

I turn around to see Aspen staring at me from the counter. I turn around back to face Calum and Emma. "I have to work, sorry. Emma can tell you everything that happened though," I say with a fake smile and walk off.

I know I sounded bitchy about this and I promise myself that I'd be nice to Emma even if she isn't nice to me but I just can't take it after the tantrum she threw about me tripping over her bag. I really don't mean to be mean to Calum, he just needs to know what's going on.

Calum's POV

After Taylor leaves I turn to Emma, "Spill."

She sighs, "Okay well back in year six there may have been a bit of bullying going on with her and I and-"

"Wait, was she bullying you or were you bullying her?"

"I was bullying her," she admits with a disgusted face. "Obviously none of you or the boys would've remembered this happening because it was the year before you guys joined Norwest and it was at the little elementary part of the school that's next to us."

"Oh yeah, I know what you're talking about."

"Yeah well I don't know why, I just never had a good enough reason as to why I bullied her. Now that I think about it it's really stupid. After that year we haven't talked to each other since and it's been hard considering throughout all the years that have passed there has been a time when we were in the same class for a subject or something. We've just been avoiding each other for all these years."

"Yesterday she came up to me in Art class and she asked me if we could be friends again and in my head I was thinking, yes, of course! But my mouth decided to speak for me and I said no and I know I acted like a total bitch about this today and I'm really sorry Calum, I really am. I wanna work thing out, especially for you and the boys. Now that Lukes got a girlfriend who's got a best friend, I have to be nice to both of them. Well...I don't have to but I'm choosing too. I just want to start fresh, I really don't want to have any enemies anymore. Maybe Taylor is a really nice person."

"She is, you just need to give her a chance. Now, are you going to apologize or...?"

"Yeah I think I need to. I'll wait till she's finished her shift," Emma says taking a bite from her caramel muffin. She stretched her arm out towards me, "Want some?"

I reached over the table and took a bite of the muffin. My eyes grew big as I bit into the muffin. "This is amazing."

"I know! This cafe is the best."

"Couldn't agree more. Can I have another bite?" I ask with his signature pouty face.

"But first I get a kiss," She says tapping her lips with her finger.

I reach over the table again and give her a quick kiss on her lips. "Now give me the muffin!" I say snatching it from her plate and eating half of it.

"Oh well aren't you a lovely boyfriend," She says sarcastically, rolling her eyes.

"You know you love me." I look back at Ashton, "I should probably go help Ashton. Come sit with us."

Emma finishes her muffin and takes the last few sips of her hot chocolate and follows me to where Ashton was sitting by himself.

"Hey Emma," Ashton says looking up from the big textbook in front of him. "You okay?"

"Yeah I just overreacted, I need to just apologize and forgive and forget," Emma replies looking at Taylor serve a customer. "Hopefully she can too."

"I'm sure she will."

A few minutes later Taylor walks up to us, she was staring at Ashton doing his work. After a few moments of awkward silence I spoke up. "Hey Taylor."

"Hi," She says finally taking her eyes off Ashton.

Ashton looked up to Taylor and smiled, "Hey."

"Hello!" She looked at Emma. "Hi Emma."

I nudged Emma, she looked at me and I nodded towards Taylor.

"Oh, hi Taylor. I just wanted to say that I'm really sorry," She nodded. "For everything. And I genuinely mean it. Like I swear I'm not just going to apologize and then the next day attempt to kill you like what usually happens in the movies."

I look at Emma with big eyes and she playfully hits my arm, "I was kidding! Calm down Calum." She turns to Taylor, "I was kidding if you didn't already get it."

Taylor laughs, "I got it. So I guess you're willing to take up my offer that we can be friends and just forgive and forget?" Taylor stretches an arm out.

"Of course," Emma says and shakes Taylor's hand.

"Ashton, did you get everything done?" Taylor asks.

"Sorta...I need your help."

"I was sitting right here to help you! Why didn't you just ask me?!" I ask Ashton.

"Because you're not doing extension math are you?!" Ashton says.

"Oooh!" Emma said and Taylor's mouth was wide open.

"Ouch," Taylor commented.

"Yeah I'm probably going to drop out of school anyways, eh," I say shaking it off. I know Ashton was only kidding.

Taylor sat down next to him and explained everything he needed to know. For some reason she kept staring at Ashton I thought it was pretty weird...

"So um, I gotta go now. But if you need anymore help just call me up or text me or whatever," Taylor says getting up from her spot next to Ashton.

"Nahh I should be fine with Calum's help. Thank you so much for all your help!"

"Anytime, I'll talk to you guys later, bye." We all say bye and soon she was out the door.

---A few days later---

Taylor's POV

After a shift at work I open the door to my peaceful house only to be greeted by yelling and shouting. It was coming from the lounge so I made my way to the lounge to find Calum, Luke, Michael, Sierra, Emma, Josh, Hayley and a very bored looking Ashton.

"Hey Taylor!" Ashton says walking away from the rest of them and towards me as I enter the room. None of them noticed I was here except for Ashton.

"Hi Ashton, what're they doing?" I say pointing at the large group of people who were yelling at the TV.

"They're playing FIFA - which I don't like so I was sorta just sitting out."

"Oh, okay well I was gonna go lie down on my bed because today was such a busy day at the cafe. Do you wanna come?"

Ashton looks back at the group and then at me again, "Anything to get away from this FIFA fan club."

I laugh and Ashton follows me upstairs and into my room. I open the door that was closed and dump my bag on the ground. I jump onto my bed and just lay there for a few moments forgetting that Ashton was in the room.

"Oh," I say lifting my head up so I could see him. "Take a seat wherever you want."

"Can I join you?"

"On my bed?"

He giggles, "Wow that sounded weird. Sorry I didn't mean it like that I'll jus-"

"No!" I interrupt him. I roll over so there's some place for Ashton to lie down next to me. I pat the empty space. "Here you go."

He carefully hops onto my bed being very careful to not come too close to me. Oh this boy fascinates me. I watch him as he runs his eyes through the big gap between us. His eyes meet mine and I raise my eyebrow at him, "Are you done measuring if we're far enough for each other."

"Sorry, I just thought-"

"No, its fine. Ashton I know you feel really awkward around me after what happened last week but we can't keep having really awkward conversations. You can come as close as you want to," I laugh. "Just relax. I'm not going to bite your head of if you say something wrong or anything."

Ashton laughed, "Okay, okay."

I reached out my hand and poked his cheek. "Ooh look! I touched you! Oh no!"

Ashton laughs even more and he just seemed like a little girl who was just so giggly. His laugh eventually made me laugh and after a while of laughing we both calmed down.

"Oh by the way, I wanted to ask about what happened between you and Emma? I was so confused the other day so I decided to ask you...only if you want to. You don't have to tell me."

"Eh, it's old news," I said. "We're fine now."

"That's good! And that's all that matters!"

"Very true."

"We spent about five minutes in pure silence not one of us was making any sound or even moving in that case. The only sound I could hear was the faint sound of us breathing.

After a while I managed to find the courage to ask Ashton something that's been on my mind these past few days.

"Uhh, Ashton?" I ask just to make sure he was still awake and he hadn't fallen asleep.

"Yeah," Ashton says turning to face me so we were both staring at each other.

"Quick question, so I know you told me that you still sorta have feelings for me even if I don't have any towards you."

"Yes, I did say that," I could feel him getting tense as his voice squeaked a bit.

"Um... Do you still have feelings for me or are they gone now?" I say as quick as possible.

He looks away for a few moments deciding on whether or not he wants to tell. I wait patiently for him because I didn't want to push it out of him. He's one of those boys who are really soft and you just have to be patient with him.

After what seemed like forever he replies, "Yes." He keeps his head turned away though.

I feel a smile creeping up on my face and I gently reach out my hand and turn his head so he was facing me again. He had a worried expression on his face like as if what he said was wrong. Which it definitely wasn't, he was telling the truth.

I smiled at him trying to keep the awkward tension we usually had with each other away from us today. He slowly smiles back at me. I laugh at him and playfully hit his arm. "Stop making things awkward!"

He laughs finally and loosens up a bit. I find myself moving closer to him. We were just inches away...but it wasn't awkward. I could feel his breath above my nose. I looked right into his hazel eyes and I found myself getting lost in them. I reached in closer and I finally felt our lips touching. He was a bit shocked for a few moments but he soon began kissing back. Our lips moved in sync together and I could feel the warming feeling on his lips.

The kiss grew into a really passionate one. I put my hands on his shoulders and he put his on my waist. He pulled me in closer to him and I wrapped my leg around him. I didn't want this to end, I didn't want him to leave. We both turned so he was lying on his back and I was on top of him. His lips that were usually so stiff when he was around me moved so freely now. It felt like I was kissing a whole different person. I took my hands further up and into his curly hair. It felt soft and fluffy and I ran my hands through it. I tugged on his hair gently and my hands soon met his bandana. I grabbed the bandana and flung it  onto the floor.

We were having a little make out session for quite a while until there was a knock on the door. "Ashton and Taylor, are you guys in there?" I could hear Sierra's voice.

I jumped off Ashton immediately and pulled away from him. We both lay on the bed gasping for breath. "Uh, yeah," I said in the middle of panting.

"Ashton if you want a ride home Calum offered to drive you and they're all leaving now," Sierra said from behind the door. I thought she would open it but luckily she didn't bother.

"Yeah, tell him I'm coming," Ashton yells while gasping for breath.

Ashton and I both look at each other. He was smiling really hard and I bit my lip with a smile. After catching his breath he gets up from my bed and sits on the side, "I better go now."

"Uh yeah, see you tomorrow at school?"

"Yup," was all he could say. He opened the door to leave but then I remembered something. "Wait!"

He turns around and I walk over to wear I threw Ashtons bandana. I pick it up from the floor and pass it to him. "Here you go."

"Thanks," He says with a smile.

"Oh and tell the others I say bye as well."

He nods in response and walks out the door. I close the door behind him and sink into my bed with a heavy sigh. I sit there for a few minutes just thinking about everything that has happened.

A few minutes later I decide that I should probably go tell Sierra. Maybe she can help me. I don't know with what yet but I just feel the need to tell someone.

I walk down the hallway and knocked on her door. There was no reply. I knock again and wait for a few seconds. I open the door in a hurry and find her and Luke making out on her bed. I saw it and it sort of reminded me of what happened with Ashton and I a few minutes ago. I coughed to bring them to attention that I was in the room. Sierra jumped off Luke and they both stared at me with big eyes.

"Uh...hi," I start awkwardly.

"Hey," Luke says. He seemed to be the only one who was comfortable with what just happened.

"Umm, didn't they all leave?" I ask Sierra. What I really meant was 'why is Luke still here?'. I have nothing against Luke I just needed to have some girl time with Sierra.

"Yeah...but Luke is staying over for dinner."

"Right," I nod my head. "I'm really sorry to interrupt...whatever you guys were doing but Sierra I need to talk to you."

"Privately?" Luke asks innocently. He was so innocent all of the time and I wanted to laugh but I bit my lip to stop myself.

"Yeah, sorry."

"Should I wait outside?" He asks.

"No! I'm sure whatever Taylor needs to say she can say it in front of you."


"Oh come on, he knew about Emma and you and he didn't tell anyone."

"You told Luke about me and Emma?!" I ask. I was a bit annoyed to be honest.

"Yes but he didn't tell anyone," Sierra says.

I look at Luke. Maybe he knows how Ashton is, he could actually be some help I guess. "I'll tell you if you don't tell anyone."

"I promise I won't. I probably won't even care anyways."

"You will."

"Wait, is it about me?" He asks innocently again.

"Well it's about one of your friends..."


"Okay now tell us!" Sierra exclaims eagerly.

"Um...okay well I think I like Ashton..."


BAM! That was probably one of my favourite chapters to write! So now Ashton likes Taylor and Taylor likes Ashton. Aww :') Thank you for all the votes and comments, please keep voting/commenting!

I thought I'd update today as a little Christmas present to all of you. I really hope you're all liking this fanfic so far :) I'm really busy for the rest of the year so the next time I update might only be next year haha. I hope you all have a Merry Christmas and a happy new year ! I'll see when I can update next :) I promise you you're all going to LOVE the next chapter because it gets pretty intense and its something you've all been waiting for to happen ;)

Happy Holidays!

Shania xx

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