Chapter 22: Moved On

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Chapter 22:

Sierra's POV

After a few moments the door finally opens and I see Luke in sweatpants and a singlet. As soon as he saw me was about to close the door but I held my hand out in the way and stopped the door.

"Just please let me explain," I say, not moving my hand from the door.

"There's nothing you need to explain," Luke says and attempts to shut the door again. Once again, I push against the door and Luke finally gives up. He opens the door fully and gestures for me to come in. I walk in and sit myself down on the couch in their living room.

Luke takes a seat opposite me, playing with his fingers. I watch him for a while until he looks up at me.

I sigh, "Um, I'm just going to get straight through the point. Jake is abusive. He's alcoholic, and he's not the ideal boyfriend. I've been through so much with him, I just can't explain it to you. Luke, I'm not expecting you to take me back instantly or forgive me but I just want you to understand. Please. From my point of view."

By now he was looking back down and playing with his fingers again. Luke opened his mouth like he was about to say something and then closed it again. I took this opportunity to continue.

"I thought I could come to Sydney, run away from him for a few weeks and just have a break from everything. But then I met you. And I don't know, something about you just made me fall in love. It was different though. Not like the relationship i had-"

"Have," Luke corrected me, still not looking up at me.

I sigh again, "Yeah...have. It just wasn't the same. The relationship I had with you The relationship I have with Jake was just...something else. I really didn't mean to cheat on you, that's not how I saw it at all."

"Then how did you see it?" Luke asks, looking up at me again. His gaze stayed on me this time. I felt tears forming in my eyes and now it was my turn to look down.

"I-I saw it as a getaway. A getaway from Jake," I say, rubbing my tears away. It didn't help though, they just kept falling. Down, down down...

" would be with me for the little time you were in Sydney. And then once you got back you'd go off with Jake again and pretend like none of what we had happened?" Luke asked, his eyebrows raising.

I felt more and more tears bursting out of my eyes. I felt horrible. "I-I don't know," I sob into my hands.

"You were cheating on Jake. With me. You have no idea how much that hurts. I loved you Sierra, I really did. I cared for you. I thought you were someone different. And the fact that I had to find out like that..."

I didn't look and Luke. I was too ashamed. He was right. "I was going to tell you," I sob.

"But you didn't." Luke's voice was strong and firm.

"I'm sorry," I sob more. "I'm sorry Luke. I really am. I didn't mean for any of this to happen."

There was a long pause. It felt like forever. Until Luke finally spoke up again, "I think you should leave."

I didn't want to cause anymore trouble. I picked up my bag and followed Luke towards the entrance of his house without saying a word. Tears were rolling down my cheeks and my face probably looked puffy.

Luke opened the door and there standing in front of both of us was a stunned looking Calum. He was in his school uniform with his bag hung off one shoulder. He looked at me and then at Luke and then at me again.

I shook my head and pushed past Calum, running down the few stairs at the entrance of Luke's house. I ran to my car opened it up and jumped in. I rested my head on the steering wheel and cried. I cried and cried and cried. That seemed the only thing I could do right now. It was all my fault. I deserved this.


Once I got back home I opened the car door and ran into the house. Taylor, Ashton and Jake were on the couch talking to each other. Once I entered the room all eyes turned to me.

"Ugh you're crying again," Jake groans. "What is wrong with you? You just need to toughen up."

"Don't sp-" That's all I heard Taylor's voice say before I ran upstairs and locked myself in my room. I sat on my bed and cried. That seemed to be the only thing I could do now.

I saw a few new bags on my bedroom floor which I assumed were Jake's.

After a few minutes of crying I finally got up and went into the bathroom. I washed my face so I looked a bit more presentable from all that crying. I sat on the side of my bed and opened the drawer to my bedside table.

It's gone.

The necklace Luke gave me on Monday was right here in my first bedside table drawer and now it's gone. Jake.

I braced myself before I slowly walked downstairs. I was about to walk into the lounge when I heard the mention of Luke's name. I hid behind the wall and listened to them.

"So what's the story with Luke and Sierra?"

"Luke?" I hear Taylor's voice.

"Yeah...Luke. What's up with him and Sierra?"

There was a short pause before Ashton spoke up. "They're just friends."

"Oh really now?" Jake asked. I could just picture his face in my head, with his eyebrows raised.

"Yeah," Taylor says.

I walk into the room quickly so i didn't make it too obvious that I was eavesdropping on them. "Hey," I say, giving them a smile.

"Hello!" Ashton says and flashes his smile at me. Ashton's smile could probably make anyone feel better and I have to say, he definitely made me feel a bit better.

"Shouldn't you be at school?" Jake asks, looking up at me. I take a seat on a single couch and lean back.

"No, uh...I wasn't feeling too well." Because of Jake, I have to lie a lot. If he was never in my life, I would be completely honest with someone. I hate lying to people, I really did. But I felt like I had no choice. I had to lie.

"Well you look fine," Jake shrugs.

"Yeah, I'm feeling a lot better now," I nod my head.

Jake smirks at me, figuring it out that I was lying. There was a long moment of silence and Jake started talking again. "So, because I'm here, I was wandering if we should go out together? Like on a little date. Like we used to back in London."

I sigh, as much as I wanted to say no to him, I answered him a yes.

"Great! Tonight or...?"

"Maybe this weekend..."

"Weekend?!" He asks, looking shocked. "I can't wait till the weekend! I was so excited that I thought we could to it tonight." The sarcasm in his voice was just too over the top. By now, Ashton and Taylor were just sitting quietly watching Jake and I make our plans for the weekend.

"I've got school," I explain.

"Well you seem to not mind missing school if you make excuses about being 'sick'," Jake snaps back at me, emphasizing the word 'sick'.

"I really do mind though," I ignore Jake's harsh comment about me wagging today.

"Ugh fine. Saturday night 7pm?"


"Cool," He smiles. I felt a bit weird about this. He seemed really eager to go on a date with me. Hmm...


The next day I walk into school with Taylor and Ashton. "So are you planning on telling Michael and Calum?" Ashton asks.

"Well Luke most probably told Calum but yeah, I might tell Michael today. He deserves to know too." Yesterday while Jake was upstairs, getting everything sorted out, i told Taylor and Ashton what happened at Luke's house and how Calum probably knows everything already.

"Hey!" I get startled when I hear a voice behind me. I turn around to see Emma standing there, clutching her books to her chest.

"Oh, hey! Is Calum here?" I ask Emma.

"He said he's coming to school with Luke. Why didn't you come to school with Luke like usual?" We walk to our lockers and she opens up hers and shoves her books inside.

"'s a long story."

"Eh, that's fine. So I wanted to ask you, did you do your art homework?" She asks biting her lip.

"Yes!" I reply, proud that I actually managed to do it. It was research about a weird artist or something.

"Is there any chance I could copy it off you? I totally forgot about it," Emma asks, looking worried.

"Sure," I laugh, pulling out my art book and handing it to her.

"Thank you so much!" She leans against the locker and copies down the homework.

Michael walks up to us eating a sandwich. "Why are you eating a sandwich?" Ashton asks before Michael could even say hi.

"Well hello to you too," Michael says with his mouth half full. He takes another bite of his sandwich and continues to eat it in front of us. Today felt like it was going to be a long day...

After a bit of silence - well, except for the sound of Michael chewing - Michael asked, "Why weren't you at school yesterday? Were you and Luke having sex or something?" He says turning to me.

I tilt my head to the side and give him a sarcastic look, "No." I say simply.

All of a sudden Luke, Calum and an unfamiliar girl walked up to us. The thing that caught me though, was that Luke was holding hands with this mystery girl. I immediately felt tears forming at the corners of my eyes.

He's definitely moved on.


Ahh thanks so much for all the votes and stuff! It really means a lot :) if you liked this chapter, please vote!

Dont forget to follow me on twitter and let me know what you think of this fanfic: @5secsofR5_

Soooo....Luke's moved on... ;) hehe thanks for reading!

Shania xx

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