Infinities, eternities, forever.

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Sometimes, time just trickles by, and sometimes it can feel like an eternity. Sometimes the minutes drag by so slowly that it can feel like an infinity. Sometimes, people say that things are taking forever.
But what really is an infinity? An eternity? A forever?
Well, some infinities are bigger than other infinities, as taught to us by John Green in The Fault in our stars. An infinity is an endless, continual loop, never ending -just like its symbol.
An eternity is an extremely vast amount of time, centuries that are stretched into eons, thousands of human lifespans laid end to end with each other and stretched out into time and space.
While eternity and infinity is simple to define, forever is a bit confusing. It's two words: "for" and "ever". "For" can mean "to" that's really simple. But "ever"? "Ever" is often paired with "never" however, the opposite of "never" is "could happen" or "yet"... and "ever". So, when you pair these words, you actually start to get a full understanding of what "forever" really is. Because sometimes, forever can be less than one second.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 16, 2016 ⏰

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