Anyone want a drink?

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Raina dragged me to her room and put me in the shower. I took longer than necessary, just standing under the downpour, hoping maybe she'd forget I was even here. No such luck.

"Hayley get your ass out here! We're going to be late." She shouted as she banged on the door.

Reluctantly I got out and covered myself in a towel before going into her bedroom.

A blonde, short girl was plugging in a hair dryer facing away from me. Great, Raina'd brought in reinforcements.

"Hayley, this is Sam. Sam, Hayley."

Sam turned and outreached her hand to me. She was very pretty, her long blonde hair was matched with stunning blue eyes.

"Hello Luna, its great to finally meet you." She grinned sheepishly.

"Hey Sam, you too."

"Okay enough chatter you two, there's a 'partaaaaay' going on in over an hour!" Raina said, whilst grabbing me by the arm and placing me on front of Sam in a chair.

I sat for a while, nodding in and out of sleep as Sam blow dried then straightened my brown hair. She told me she part-timed at a salon in town, and that was why Raina had roped her into doing my hair tonight. She was unmated, and really wanted something to get her out of the packhouse, so she took the job there.

Raina had been in her wardrobe for about ten minutes as Sam started on my make up. She emerged with an armfull of clothes in one hand and shoes in the other. She laid them all out on the bed, as i watched from the corner of my eye.

"Okay, i think that's it." Sam told me, after one last expection.

"Good. Come see what you want to wear Hayley." Raina called.

I walked over to her and surveyed the outfits on the bed. One dress was blue, one red, one white, and one black. Some were very tight and some were sticky out at the bottom.

"Hum, i think the red one." I told her, while lifting it. It was kind of tight and went to a few inches above my knee. I took it to the bathroom to try it on. It fit well, Raina and I were about the same size, luckily. The v neckline was kind of low, but hey, it was a party. I went out to show Raina.

"Woo, you look hot baby." She told me as she grabbed my hand and spun me.

"You too!" I told her. She really did. She was wearing the black one, it stuck out and hugged her on top well. She handed me black heels as she tugged her bright pink ones, that matched her lipstick, on.

They were Louboutins i noticed, very high and very expensive. And i bet Jace bought her them. From what i've seen, he buys her things when they fight.

"Okay girl, lets go if we're going!" I told her. She grabbed my hand then and we went out the door.

Music was playing downstairs and lots of people were already here. We worked our way to the kitchen to get a drink. There were groups spilling out through the double doors into the back now too. I could tell this was going to be a big one, and it had only just started.

Raina pulled me over to the drinks bench and grabbed two cups.

"What do you want?" She asked me, pouring vodka into her cup.

"What are you having?" I asked her. I didn't drink often, so i'm not really experienced beyond vodka coke.

"I just stick to vodka cranberry, my poison of choice." She told me as she found the cranberry juice between all the bottles.

"I'll just have vodka soda please." She poured it and gave it to me.

"C'mon and find the guys." She said, leading me out of the kitchen while I sipped my drink.

We went into the main pack room and looked through the crowd for them, when i felt an arm around my waist pulling me against a strong chest.

"Hey baby." Was whispered in my ear, and i knew it was Mason.

"You look unbelieveably hot. Every guy here wishes you were his Luna." He said to me and he trailed his nose down my cheek then kissed behind my ear.

I turned and surveyed him. He looked really hot, and he too was holding a cup.

"What're you drinking?" I asked, curious.

"Jack Daniels, want some?" He asked as he held it out for me. I took it as he out his arm back around me and pulled me against him. I looked at it then sipped. It burnt my throat but it wasn't too bad. Definitely better tasting than straight vodka.

I handed it back to him and he smiled,

"Do you like it?"

"Yeah. I couldn't drink a whole cup though. I'd be on the floor!" I laughed.

He chuckled too and kissed my lips, "C'mon, Jace and the guys are over here."

He directed me to a sofa at the back of the room, with his front of my back. Raina had found Jace, and they were, as usual, kissing. Some of the other guys were there too, including Sam. I smiled at her.

Mason sat down on the sofa next to Jace with Raina on his lap, and pulled me down on his. The room was pretty crowded, and I wouldn't have gotten a seat anyway. I drank more from my cup and began talking with the rest of the group, especially to Sam, she seemed really nice.

"Anyone want another drink?" A boy, i learnt was named Nick asked the group.

"Yeah, vodka soda please." I told him, as did Sam.

"You should try some more Jack baby." Mason said to me with a devious look in his eye. "Here." He put the cup to his lips and drank some, then kissed me. I could taste it all over his lips and then his tounge. He pecked my lips, then i looked at his eyes.

"Thanks baby," I copied quietly with a smirk on my face, just as Nick came back and handed me my drink. I took it from him and saw that no one really noticed us. Wolves by nature were affectionate, but a house full of horny teenage wolves meant people practically having sex on the chair next to you wasn't a big deal.

"Okay," Jace said. "I think everyone's drunk enough for never have i ever." He grinned at us.

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