Uncontrollable urges

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"Don't. Move." Mason said, his voice sounding strained, like he was struggling for control.

"I... Hayley..." Josh started, he was breathing quickly.

Ashton looked worriedly between the three of us then grabbed Josh by the arm.

"C'mon Josh, before you do something you regret."

He wasn't moving so she pulled harder.

"Go, now." Mason's voice was low and threatening. "Get out."

My body was feeling weird, I felt warmer than usual.

"GO!" Mason shouted when he didn't move.

Josh shook his head and his eyes went wide, and he walked backwards, letting Ashton guide him.

The room was filled with the sound of Mason's laboured breathing. My eyes travelled to his face, with his eyes closed he looked in pain.


"Don't Hayley. Just, give me a second."

His hands fisted at his sides.

Footsteps came down the hall nearing the room, and a male voice sounded,

"What is that smell? Oh God." His voice turned into more of a moan at the end.

"Hey, unless you want a foot up your ass get away now." Ashton's voice followed.

"What? What is it. Or who is it..?"

"Seriously, there's a severely pissed and possessive alpha in there who will break you if you go near her, back off."

"That's Mase's girl? Oh shit. Crap I need to umm.." his footsteps went away slowly, followed by Ashtons.

"Baby, we need to... I have to... Shit." Mason breathed. He turned to me and opened his eyes. I gasped, they were so dark, the blackest I've ever seen them.

"Are you ok?" I asked.

"Yeah, it's just.. hard. You smell so... I don't know, something. My wolf is going wild, he wants you. Badly."

"What can we do?" I wasn't sure where to go from here, I barely even knew about this an hour ago.

"I need you away from the other males. Come back to our bedroom there'll be no one on that floor."

"Okay." I stepped towards him and outstretched my hand to his arm.

He moaned, and inhaled. I put my hand on his bicep and felt a spark, stronger than usual. God, it wasn't only him this was affecting. I looked at Mason and saw how hard he was struggling to control himself. Maybe this was the time. I wanted Mason, badly.

I brought my hand down to his hand and pulled on it.

"Mason, let's go to the bedroom." I said quietly.


I walked out the door taking him along, really hoping we didn't run into any guys.

Thankfully we didn't and we got to Mason's floor undisturbed. I opened the door and walked backwards, looking at him.

He closed the door and dropped my hand, walking to the window and opening it.

He breathed in deeply and sighed.

"Are you okay? I'm sorry about Josh, I shouldn't have let him near you." he said with his back to me.

"I'm fine, are you?"

His head turned towards me slightly and he nodded.

"I should go, I don't know how long I can control this, Hayley. But I don't know if I can leave you."

I went over and stood behind him. I put my arms around his waist tentatively.

"Hayley, you shouldn't..." He sounded pained.

I cut him off by trailing my hand down his chest towards his jeans. I traced my finger just inside, and he stilled.

"Mason, I want this. I want you."


Sorry this is short.

* **Should I skip what happens next or include it? I don't want to make some people uncomfortable, so please tell me.

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