War and lollypops

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He tugged me out of the room and down the corridor, as the shouting got louder.

"Mason! what's going on?" could be heard from lots of people as we continued through the house.

We got to the stairs which were filled with people running up and down. He lifted me and ran up them three at a time.

We got to his bedroom and he put me down on the bed.

"Listen to me. Do no leave this room, OK? There will be three guys standing at the door right to protect you. If anything happens, mind link me straight away."

I nodded to him, my mind still confused on what was going on.

"I have to go to my father. Stay safe, please baby." There was a look of desperation in his eyes.

"OK. Please, just, be careful Mason." I didn't know how to say all the things I wanted to, and just hoped that he really was as good of a fighter as everyone said he was.

"I will baby." He kissed my forehead and was out the door.

I lay on the bed for about twenty minutes. Just listening to what was going on outside, and mind linking with Raina, who was with Mason's mother and the children.

I felt as though I should be down there. Wasn't that what a Luna did, be the support system for the pack, looked after everyone. Yet here I was, locked up in my tower above everyone.

Not that I blamed Mason too much, it was understandable. We hadn't even mated fully, and until then, he was going to be crazy protective. It was an instinct males had.

After what I thought was about an hour, the door flew open.

Mason was there, in just basketball shorts. He came straight at me and pulled me to his chest.

"Thank god you're alright."

"Of course I am, you would've felt it if I wasn't."

His arms tightened around me.

"I know, but i had to see you to put my wolf at ease."

He kissed my mark, then pulled back.

I scanned him quickly, and then noticed a slash down his left side.

"Mason! You're hurt!"

I started to panic and tried to get up to go to the bathroom and get something to clean it, but before I could he pulled my back down to him.

"It's just a scratch Hayley I'm fine." He smiled at me.

I took his word for it, but I didn't like the idea of any cut on him, no matter what size.

"What happened, Mason?"

He looked angry for a moment, then it cleared from his face.

"A neighbouring pack, that we've never had great relations with, tried to attack us."

"Is everyone alright, was anyone hurt?"

"Luckily they're not the strongest wolves out there. Their Alpha lost his mate about six months ago, and has been a bit deranged ever since.

He sent them in, no attack plan, no strategy."

"That's barbaric!"

"Like I said, he's lost it. They didn't even want to fight, you could see it in their eyes. We tried to keep the casualties to a minimum, but they weren't told to surrender when they were down, so they didn't." he shook head.

"But everyone from Grey's okay?"

"yeah, everyone's okay for the best part. A couple of guys got a knock or two, and Tommy has a nasty concussion, but he'll be good tomorrow."

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