Mother Nature's rules of attraction

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Mason paused, hovering above me, both of us wishing whoever it was would just go away.

But a knock sounded again, more insistent, followed by a voice,

"Mase, c'mon man, it's about Ashton." it said, I thought it was Josh maybe.

Mason got a worried look over his face and hoped off me and stood up. He put his hands in his jeans and re situated himself, then went to the door.

He pulled on open half way, and I became aware that I was only in underwear. I quickly grabbed a blanket to cover myself, thankful he didn't open the door wider. Though I knew that was his intention.

"What about her, what's wrong?" He asked, worry seeping into his voice.

I wondered who was Ashton. Was she a friend, a cousin? I resented the slight jealousy I got when he showed worry over another girl, I was being ridiculous.

"That asshole Carter happened. I don't even know, she came in crying, he tried to force himself on her or something."

I sat up in shock.

"What!" Mason shouted, going stiff. "I'll fucking kill him"

He went to push past Josh to go downstairs but an arm went against his chest.

"Hey hey, you can't go down there all guns blazing. You're only half dressed, and do you really want to leave Hayley alone in house full of males right now? It's been what, 24 hours since you marked her? You're an alpha man you know what that means, she'll be scented from the next state any time now."

Mason shoulders sagged and he looked over at me. I got up off the bed and went to pull my dress on.

"You're right, we'll get dressed and be down in two minutes, tell her I'll be there soon."

"Okay man." Mase closed the door and turned to me, lifting his shirt up off the floor.

"Ashton?" I questioned.

"Ash is my cousin. She was seeing this guy Carter, total asshole. Clearly things have went sour. She's my closest family I need to go see her." He said apologetically.

"Of course" I said, relieved that she was family and angry at my stupid jealousy.

"You need to come with me, I can't leave you alone, you're going to start attracting anytime now."

"Attracting?" I asked confused, was that what Josh was talking about?

"Yeah um," he started, putting on his shoes as I did mine. "After an alpha marks his Luna, she attracts around a day later if they havn't mated, to quicken the process.

Basically, she secretes a pheromone which attracts males, mainly her mate but it works to an extent on other males too."

"Oh." was all I said. Shit, being in a house full of horny teen wolves who want me doesn't sound as fun as you'd think now does it.

"You'll be fine baby, I won't let you out of my sight. But I'll warn you, when it hits me it'll be hard. Hard to resist you and hard to go against my wolf in my head. We can't wait that long to mate, it'll start to make physical implications on us. I'm sorry, that's just how it is, Mother Nature is a bitch."

I nodded absently, still processing the whole idea.

"C'mon, we need to go see Ashton and figure out what happened before I fucking kill this guy."

We went downstairs and as we made it to the bottom floor my head was still reeling from the little revelation Mason just unleashed on me.

I had no idea that happened to Luna's. I didn't know what this pheromone would do to Mason, but it was the other guys in the house that would be the problem. I hope I didn't have any bad encounter. I've seen a jealous Alpha, they'll break you before you can touch their mate.

We went into a cosy living room dominated by a huge couch near the back of the house, there was Josh and a beautiful crying girl who I assumed was Ash.

"Ashton, hey it's okay." Mase said as he sat down beside her, and rubbed her shoulder. I stood near the door awkwardly, not really sure what to do with a crying girl I've never met. I did feel really bad for her though, her situation sounded horrible.

"I should have listened to you Mason, I just didn't think he would- I just thought...Ugh." She put her head in her hands and her shoulders dropped.

"I'll kill him for this. I can't even think straight right now." Mason started to shake out of anger.

"Hey, calm down, you're going to go full wolf here on the sofa." Ash said.

His face was getting red and his fists were balling up. Josh looked worried and slowly pulled Ashton away.

"Mase man, calm the fuck down now."

Mason stood and looked around angrily,

"I'm going to fucking rip him apart." He started for the door and I put my hand out to his chest. Everyone looked at me then, seemingly to just remember I was there.

"You can't do that Mason. Cool down, running out and hitting people isn't gonna fix Ashton's problem now is it? You need to be here and comfort her, okay?"

"But he..."

"Baby, she needs you. Please." I gave him my best pleading look and put my hand up into his hair and massaged gently.

His head went down and he let out a deflated sigh.

"I'm sorry Ash." He turned and looked at her, who had a bewildered look on her face.

She nodded an him then looked at me,

"You must be Hayley. No one else could have done what you just did. Mason is like a grenade when he goes off." She shook her head with a sad smile at him.

I outstretched my hand to her,

"It's nice to meet you."

"You too, I've been waiting for you to come around so I could finally see him whipped. It's been a dream of mine."

"Whatever, I'm not whipped Ash." He told her while he put an arm around my waist.

"I'm sure... for now" She winked at me.

"Let's forget that asshat. I kneed him in the balls pretty hard he won't be coming around anytime soon, and you know going after him will cause more harm than good Mason, you're the alpha now you have to show control and restraint.

Not that you'll be showing much of that today, I see your mark, I'd say you're attracting pretty soon, yeah?" She looked at me.

I nodded, a little embarrassed.

"Good luck with that. Look, Josh is gonna take me shopping I need to get my mind off this. I'll see you later. Good luck Hayley."

"Are you sure that you... holy shit." Mason's eyes fluttered closed and he breathed in deeply.

"What is tha..." Josh turned and looked at me, and his mouth popped open.

He stepped towards me and a loud growl ripped out of Mason.

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