Letter 11

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Dear Tessie,

Recently, I have been thinking about my plans for the future. I am graduating this March and it’ll only be a couple of days more before that. I somehow feel both relieved and worried at the same time. Sometimes, I would space out completely, ignoring my surroundings for a while.

Carlos and I stopped studying as we are already done with our final exams but we would still continue hanging out during the weekends, staying over at each other’s houses and we would often discuss our plans for the future.

“Man, I can’t believe we’re graduating in a couple of days.” Carlos remarked.

“Yeah, who could’ve known that time would pass this quick.”

“Now it’s just two things: go to college or find a job.” Carlos’ question was one amongst the heaviest that my mind had to think about. Upon going home after my stay with Carlos’ house, I soon find my dad sitting in the couch, reading the paper.

“I’m home.”

“Welcome back, Tyler. You hungry?” my dad seems to be in a good mood for once.

“No, not really.”

“Okay, are you gonna rest up in your room?” I nod, turning my back on him and making my way to the stairs only to stop halfway after a few steps.

I look back at my dad asking, “Dad, can I go to college?”

“You will go to college.”

“Can I work as well?”

“Of course.”

“Can I do both?” by this time, he drops his paper and looks at me.

“Tyler, you’re 18 now. I want you to decide for the things in your life now. And whatever you decide, I’ll try to provide.” My dad sternly replied.

“I’ll be going upstairs now.”

It was a first I heard my dad talk about my future. Free to decide whatever I want, I just need to make up my mind about it and see it through. I don’t like life changing decisions, Tessie. Unlike games, I don’t have the ability to load the current present I have now if ever I didn’t like the future I proceeded with. With each day drawing in to my graduation, I want to at least make up my mind before.

Early this May will be the start of entrance examinations to universities and colleges. I still have April, a whole month, to review for those exams. Carlos already has decided on a particular university but like me, he is still undecided if he would take up a college degree or a workplace. While Earlene already plans on going to college and is already preparing in entering a preparatory school to take up studies for her entrance exams.

While ponder on about what I want with my life, time keeps on moving. Soon, the day when I was to pick up my Aunt Vinny at the airport came. I picked her up late at night, around 11 in the evening the night before my graduation. It was perfectly fine that I was the one to pick her up since my graduation is not due till later in the afternoon the following day.

Aunt Vinny soon waves her hand at me, carrying a bit of hefty luggage as she makes her way towards me. I barely recognize her; it has been 13 years since I last seen her. She used to live with us, with her room being the one I am using now since I was still sleeping at my parent’s room. The first thing I’ve done was to hug her tightly, feeling my familial values taking over my body. Truly, I was a person who loves his family, and this is not like I am saying this to brag about it.

We went home via a taxi, since I came all the way here using one as well. While on our way going back home, my aunt and I talked just like the good old times.

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