Chapter 5

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Budo stared unblinking in front of him, eyes attached, but unfocused, on the teacher as her voice drifted like a distant breeze.

Today was Wednesday. All Budo had to do was wait two more days, two more days of agony until Osana confessed her feelings to Taro on the Friday after school.

The ear-piercing shrill of the school bell rang, the signal for lunchtime, and there was an instant shuffling of books and bags around him. Shoving his things carelessly into his bag, Budo swung his bag over his shoulder and was the first to leave the classroom. He started walking towards the reception area, fast-paced, as he yearned to grab his food from his locker quickly and then find Ayano.

The reception was empty and quiet as he approached his locker. As the grey metal locker door squeaked open, a small piece of white paper fell out onto the ground with a scuttle. Budo blinked in confusion before quickly picking it up from the floor. It was the size of his palm, and was folded in a neat, precise square. With a quick glance around him, and finding that he was still alone, Budo carefully opened the folded paper.

I know about Ayano Aishi. I can help you.

Budo's eyes widened in shock and his mouth dropped open. He'd been certain that no one had watched him when he'd followed Ayano earlier that morning, so how on earth had someone found out that he was interested in her?

Next to the typed words was a phone number. He stared at them, mind turning. Should he send the person a message? It didn't sound like a threat, and if it could help him find out more about his Ayano...

Budo sucked in air through his teeth, and quickly whipped out his phone. Before he had the chance to change his mind, his finger had already pressed the send button.

You said you could help me with Ayano?

Budo's eyes were glued to the bright white screen, his pulse picking up, and he felt immediate regret. Stupid. How could this person help me? It's obviously some sort of prank.

His phone beeped and the screen lit up.

Yes. Tell me what you want to know about her.

He froze as he read the words. Then the desperate hope swelled in his chest. Faster than lightning, Budo typed out a message.


It took some time before the reply came, but he waited patiently, not once looking away from the screen.

Class 2-1. Freshman. Average grades. No current club. No known friends. No distinguished traits. Living alone while parents are out of town. Has a crush on Taro Yamada.

The last information burned in him, but he ignored it and sent one last message.

Who are you??


My identity is not important. What is important is that you are a client, and I the supplier. You may call me Info-Chan.

Obsession (Ayano x Budo)Where stories live. Discover now