Chapter 2

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Perspective- Meredith

It seemed to be forever until he could finally come home. Deep down, beneath all the hope and love, I wondered if he would truly recover, if my Derek would ever be Derek again.

Three weeks since the accident, 21 days, since then. The side of his bed had been cold, the sheets untouched, untouched by his perfect self. Now it had changed, now it was different. The sheets were touched, but not by him. As the rounding of my stomach grew larger and larger, it slowly began touching his side of the bed. He wouldn't have wanted to miss this.

The work wasn't the same. Nurses never paged him, and Owen or Bailey sometimes accidentally called him instead of Amelia, growing her hate for us even more. The hospital seemed lonely, the sound of his mild voice calling, "it's a beautiful day to save lives," from inside the O.R hadn't been heard for months...

Derek has had surgery after surgery to keep him alive... was this even what he wanted? Out of all people, he knew, surgery was risky and painful... I shook this thought out of my head. He said he wouldn't leave me, and this is what it meant. We have a life together, 2 children, soon to be 3... If I visited him, I would miss all of my surgeries, but if I did all of the procedures, I would miss my chance to see him. In the end, it all came down to one choice... work or Derek.


"I raised you to be an extraordinary human being, so imagine my disappointment when I wake up after five years and discover that you are no more than... ordinary! What happened to you?!"


"Don't let what he wants eclipse what you need. He is very dreamy, but he's not the sun, you are."

I smiled as I saw his sweet face looking at me with his bright green eyes interlocking with mine. I try to contain myself by walking slowly over to his messy room, covered in scans I had brought him from Amelia's patients. He had insisted on seeing them, convincing me that it would help him get back in the swing of things when he got back to work. Willingly I brought them to him every Sunday, although deep down I wasn't sure he would ever be able to work again.

"Hey," he said, in a soft, gentle voice. His head was covered in bandages from all his surgeries, and his chest peeking out from underneath the covers.

"Hi Derek," I said in a somewhat "matter of factly" way. As soon as these words had slipped from my mouth, his smile faded from his face quickly.

"Meredith, are you... are you ok?" he asked, with concern in his voice. I couldn't believe myself. I had missed 3 surgeries to be with him, and now I wasn't even spending quality time with him. I wasn't sure what was wrong with me, I had wanted to be with Derek badly. I craved his dark hair and his soft hands holding mine, and his smile could make me smile for hours.

"Derek..." I started, tears falling down onto my face. "When are you coming home?"

To Be Continued... 

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