Chapter 9

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Perspective: Meredith

We didn't talk to each other for the rest of the day. There was an awkward silence between us neither one of us wanted to break. I needed a break to think about how I was going to deal with this.

Perspective: Derek

I could understand why she was mad, but not why it was so difficult to talk to her now. We were still married, we were still Meredith and Derek. I wish I could talk to her, I wanted to so badly. To hold her small, soft hands in mine. But it seemed impossible to, like someone had sewed my mouth shut. I needed to somehow make it up to her, some way. I had to do it soon, too.

Nothing too sweet, since I was trying to make it up to her, and not in a perv kind of way. If I apologized to her, she could snap at me again, and I did not want to end up where we started. I would have to do something meaningful, something that really showed I didn't mean to hurt my Mer, or my precious Zola.

That was what I had to do.

Perspective: Meredith

It was tiring, yes the act of ignoring someone was exhausting. You had to purposely avoid a person, until you decide to not be mad at them anymore. Exhausting, really.

That was part of the job; as a mother and a surgeon. You had to keep functioning even when you felt like you couldn't move at all. All I wanted to do was to lay in my bed all day, but like I said, it was the job of a surgeon to save lives, which was exactly what I had to do right now.

*At the hospital*

"We've got a GSW to the chest. Pretty sure it's hit the left ventricle. He crashed 5 times in the rig." These words echoed through my head as the doctor on the ambulance helped me get a better hold onto the gurney.

I pulled him into a trauma room, knowing that Owen would already be in there

"GSW thats hit the left heart ventricle. I'm thinking we need to get him up now."

"Good idea. Grey page Pierce to O.R 3 911." Owen barks at me. I give him a quick nod and I race up to the operating room.

Perspective: Derek

I had it all planned out: First, I would have a father daughter day with Zola. We would do all of the things she like. Of course after she told me all of the things that she liked. Then I would take her to her favorite restaurant, and then finally come back home.

"Zola," I whispered to her as I peeked into her room. She looked up to me with her dark brown eyes, unsure of why I would be talking to her.

"I promised you an extra special surprise yesterday, right? But it wasn't too special was it?" I asked her. She nodded a quiet "no" while keeping eye contact with me.

"Well, I am going to make that up to you. Today we are going to have a daddy and Zola day!" As soon as I said this, I could see her face light up, showing her last bit of hope in me.

"We're going to do everything you like to do and eat your favorite food! Maybe we can even-" before I could finish my sentence, Zola ran up to me and hugged me as hard as her little arms could.

"I love you daddy," she whispered to me.

Perspective: Meredith

The silence of the O.R was pleasing. Nothing could interrupt my thoughts. Only the echo of my voice calling for the next tool.

"How's things with uh, Derek going?" Maggie asked, innocently.

Damn it, Maggie.

This was the one thing, the one thing I did not want to talk about right now. Anything but Derek, anything but the nightmare I had going on at home.

"Fine, Maggie. Everything is perfectly fine," I tell her, sarcastically. I must have delivered the message that I didn't want to talk, because she stopped right away, and the only thing that could be heard was the beeping of the heart monitor. Where did I go wrong, I knew that I should have kept my mouth shut and just told Derek about all of these changes. Deep down I knew I should be mad, but I hated everything about being mad at him.

I can live without him. I just don't ever want to.

Perspective- Derek

Zola and I had done so much today, including all of her favorite things. Unfortunately for me, these including trampolining and getting her nails done.

Needless to say I now have "magenta" finger nails.

Now exhausted from trampolining, I finally laid down on the couch. My back sunk in deep, as I got comfortable knowing that I had repaired my relationship with my daughter. Just a few minutes after I got comfortable, I realized something.

My wife still hates me right now.

To be continued...

GUYS... LITERALLY 2 DAYS LATER I'M AT 200 VIEWS!!!!! Thank you guys so much for reading my story you have no idea how happy I am when I check and I have more views! I will keep posting more soon... especially since I have Thanksgiving break coming up so I will have lots of time to write!

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