#2 Tri-Wizards Tournament

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----3rd POV----

Everyone had just arrived at Hogwarts when people saw a bunch of Pegasus pulling a carriage, they were heading towards a clear strip of land were Hagrid was signalling for them and he almost got knocked out by the carriage itself, then they saw a giant boat immerge from the waters and continue for shore.

Suddenly everything started to glow and everyone looked up at the moon to see it glowing brighter, then they saw multiple silver Greek chariots being pulled by two Pegasus each basically emerged from the moons glow, most of the animals were white some were a golden colour and only one was black. On the chariots there were about two – four on them each and for what they could tell they were all girls standing proudly as the flying horses descended to the ground.

Once all the commotion was over all the Hogwarts students went inside to get settled then go to the grand hall for the sorting ceremony, once the sorting ceremony was over Dumbledore stood up.

He started to talk about that Hogwarts was not only going to be there home but home to other important guests, he then said that Hogwarts was chosen to host the event, the 'Tri-wizard tournament' this year, then explained what the tournament was about to those who didn't know.

"With that out of the way I would like you all to give a warm welcome to the lovely ladies of the Beauxbatons academy and their headmistress Madame Maxime" Dumbledore finished

When he finished the doors of the great hall opened an in came beautiful ladies walked down the middle aisle stopping twice giving a dramatic sigh extending their arm then thy trotted down the aisle giving one last dramatic sigh with butterfly's fluttering out everywhere. They were followed by a very very tall woman and a young girl doing gymnastic moves. Once they were at the end they all gave a bow and went to sit with the Ravenclaw's.

Most of the males on the room stood up and clapped for them, the females clapped as well while some scowled at the boys. Dumbledore greeted the headmistress with a kiss on the hand before going back to the raised platform.

"Now please welcome the boys of Durmstrang institute and their headmaster Igor Karkaroff"

The doors opened and in came a bunch of boys beating down staffs on the ground creating sparks and twirling them, then they ran down the rest of the lane some did tricks while others lined up and some blew fire creating a phoenix made out of fire before it dissolved into the air. They were followed by a mean looking man and Viktor Krum. Dumbledore greeted him with a man hug, they went to sit with the Slytherin's.

"Now our last school that will be joining us is a traveling school and it just so happened they were traveling to England this year, but I must show caution to the males, do not mess around with the girls if you don't want to end up in the hospital wing. Now with that out of the way please welcome the ladies of the 'Artemis Magicians' and their headmistress Diana (Artemis's Roman name for cover)" Dumbledore said

People gasped when they heard about which school it was because it was so well known for the female students that hated males and that males couldn't join the school no matter how hard they tried and it was also know for the only school that travelled around the world.

When the doors opened everyone saw girls dressed in a silver fitted suit jackets and black under shirts with black skirts that went just above the knee with black boots and white tie's, a woman in her 20's in black pants and leather brown shirt, she also had a silver trench coat on.

When they walked in girls took out their wand and shot spells creating targets all around the room then the girls with the bow shot at them with the targets moved and got bullseye's while they still walked down the aisle. Dumbledore greeted the headmistress with a firm handshake not wanting to get turned into something.

"So is that everyone" Dumbledore asked

"No we have one more students that is running late because of complications with one of the Pegasus but he most likely gave up trying to persuade the horse to stay with the rest and is most likely coming now" Artemis/Diana said

"Did you say 'he' was coming" Dumbledore ask shocked that the male hating school had a male, people started to mumble when they herd they has a male at their school.

"Yes, 'he' as in male, the only male ever to get into my school and the only male I am ever allowing in it" Artemis/Diana said firmly

People heard rushed footsteps and clopping coming from the door and people turned and listened.

"Why can't you go back to the rest of them I said that I would bring you something and now your making me late" someone said then they heard a horse nicker

"What are you, scared" The voice said then everyone heard the horse snort

"Who cared if the Beauxbatons Pegasus's are posh, you have to deal with it" The voice said again as the horse snorted one again.

With that the person finally came around the corner into the hall followed by a black winged horse, the person was wearing a silver suit jacket and a black under shirt with black pants and boots with a white tie.

People gasped at who it was, it was none other than Perseus Jackson.

As he walked down the aisle quickly he continued to talk to the black Pegasus almost like he understood what the creature was say, at the moment they were arguing about the horse going back to the stable until finally Perseus caved in and let it stay. To say it was weird was an understatement because people have never seen someone talk to a horse before.

"How nice to finally show" Artemis/Diana said

"Sorry mi 'lady you know how Blackjack is" Perseus said sheepishly

With that they sat down at the Gryffindor table which the people at the table was pleased with. Everyone was enjoying the feast when Dumbledore started to explain more about the tir-wizard tournament until the ceiling went crazy, everyone freaked out other than the people from the traveling school who were used to weird things happening but they were on guard.

Suddenly there was a spell shot at the ceiling bringing the enchanted sky back to normal, the person who shot the spell was the ex-auror Mad-eye Moody or Alastor Moody. He greeted Dumbledore then stepped to the side drinking some sort of liquid that was in a vile.

With that they continued explaining, Bertie Crouch said only people over the age of 17 can compete and everyone was in an up raw until Dumbledore silenced them, they revealed the Goblet of fire explaining how to enter and the deadline and spreading caution to those who choose to enter.

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