chapter two

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Rokuro's POV

At that morning i felt like the kiss was so smoothi admit she is cute though but she was tough... after i letted go of her she intended to punch me and because i am brilliant i mannaged to dodge her hands were at my shoulder and i circled my arms to her hips i looked at her face and she was really red then someone opened the stupid door and she punched my stomach it was her twin brother..

(Before we get to adashino i just want to say i added other anime character in different anime thats all thanks)

Adashino's POV

hahahahahhaha finally ravenge.... my brother came

''kirito whatcha doing here?'

''Here granny wants to give you this and'' i looked at it my favorite mangga and novels i looked at kirito my twin actually


''she said you should let that guy sleep here at your room'' then i was shocked i looked at him and he is still crouched on the floor his tummy is still aching granny passed to us abd kirito said all

''omay adashino dear if you won't i will not give you more''

'' but granny he is pathetic i don't want to be with him in my room'' i said with puppy eyes

''who ya calling pathetic??'' He said and got near me he got his arms around me

''hands off idiot'' he smiled

''oh yeah granny do you know..''

''know about what?'' and i actually know what he was going to say i immediatly covered his mouth

And brought him into my room he laughed

''soo why did you do that??'' With an evil smile

'' 'cause i know what your trying to say then i opened the doir abd got outside he was chasing me so i immediatly ran down to the kitchen then a mister was at the kitchen.

I stopped running so did rokuro

''dad?'' What that's his dad

'' dears sit down we sat beside each other granny's orders then my father replaced granny

''okay kids'' mister E. Said

''dad we are not kids said roku-san for short

''okay kids i just don't want you to freak out but me and romeo dealed about..'' super thrilling dad i drank water and

''you two are having an arranged marrige'' i spitted the water at rokuro and hitted the table with my fist

''DAD.. NEVER IN HELL!!!!!" Rokuro wiped the water in his face

''daddy i can't marry this monkey''

'' so do i i don't want to marry a demon'' we looked at each other and...

''HMPH!!!!...." we both said and turned our backs

''no way we settled the wedding 2 weeks from now'' mr E. Said i looked at my dad

''dad have you ever asked permission before settling!!!!!????"
Then i ran to my room for a tough girl like me i didn't cry i locked in my room and looked at the calendar tommorow is the first day i slept abd this time my room is locked i immediatly go to the bathroom changed into my uniform it was 6:00 by that time when i opened the door rokuro was there i was in a hurry and just dragged him in my room and ran fastly he woke up

''hey monkey! Where are you going?!" He said while rubbing his eyes i just fastly ran downstairs and prepaired everything i decided that i'll just buy lunch so i ran to school...
the reason why i was in a hurry 'cause i was so excited to meet up with sae and megumi i saw them on the school gates i waved at them anfmd when they looked at me it looks like they've seen a ghost i looked at my back and saw rokuro at my back i was going to run faster but he pulled my hand

''hey monkey think you can run away?'' He whispered then he putted his arms around my shoulders

''you haven't kissed me goodmorning yet'' he said then i kicked his feet ''perv!!" Then walked to megumi and sae...

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