chapter 6

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Adashino pov

A week later which as you know that it was.......THE DAY OF OUR WEDDING!!!!!!!!!

I just want to get out of here, get out of this wedding yuck!
Bad bad bad bad bad!!!!! I was about to escape when my grandmother came out of the blue
" come on adashino or we'll be late!" You know my granny is very small but is very strong too

~time skip~

We were at the car and i was very very mad about this arranged marriage
"adashino it's your time so come on!" "Megumi please!"
" hey you didn't make me your maid of honor just for a joke you know" (sorry dunno what that was) so i just came out the car a went at the church door
"smile my dear" my granny said, but this is for my father so i should smile for everyone
"like this? " i smiled fakely, but not that obvious "perfect darling, i can't believe my grandaughter is going to be married" she wiped her immaginary teas
" granny this is just a arrange marriage" then the door opened everyone came out and when it was time for me to come out they were very surprised and then when i got there to rokuro idiot i gave him a i'll kil you later smile

(Lez just skip to the vowing parts)

"do you adashino take this man rokuro as your husband?" I was still hesitating but my father smiled warmly  at me, and i realize that  this is all for me and my family

"i do"

"and you rokuro do you take adashino to be your wife?"

"i do father"

"okay you may now kiss the bride" my family was very excited about it really, and also rokuro and



one...... the kiss came and everyone was cheering for us like crazy....


so after the church we went to the reception and the our own home.....
" the house is very big"
"yeah thats true" he replied.

"Okay! So let's pick our own rooms!" I clasped my hands smiling widely, he looked at me for a sec

"We're not sharing the same room?" He asked me while smirking

"Nahhh, i like my own privacy" i said and dragged my luggage to a random door.

It's locked!

I slowly turned around.......

"It's locked!" I whispered and tried to scan on more rooms..... and to my luck! It one of the room opened!

I quickly went in and saw..... a half naked rokuro. I covered my eyes quickly.

"Why are you here? I thought you were finding a room far away from me." He said.

"The doors are locked......." still bot taking my hands off my eyes, he held my hand down.

"Okay- oh and father said he booked a ticket to todohama for our honeymoon" he seductively said.

"So what? I'll stay away from you duuhhhh as always" i sassed and hoped he will leave me alone.

"Duh, not like you can resist my charms" he pinned me on the door.

I scoffed hiding ny shocked expression, "get off"i pushed him.
But he didn't budge.

"Kiss me first" he pleaded with a cute face on.

Playing games rokuro? Sure! Why not?.

I sighed "okay go on you can kiss me" i said which made him smile widely.

He slowly leaned to me when i suddenly smacked his lips hard.
"Aweee that was a strong kiss!" I mocked and dragged my luggage.
He sulkily walked out the door.


I was done clearing my stuff and we had dinner after.

The house was full of silence! Until.

"Adashino you should wake up early tommorow okay? We're flying early"
He said as i just nodded.

He seemed not pleased of my response. Since he sighed
"Say, we should hace alcohol tonight!"
He beamed gettingbmy attention.

"Uhh........we have lots of that in the bathroom" i sassed at him.

"No not those kind of alcohol! I meant liqour!" He said giving me a *da hell girl?!* look.

I snapped mt gaze a him "oh, i don't think that's a good idea..." i said.

"C'mon just right now! It's our wedding day!" He whined at me makingnme glare

He just smirked at my reaction .... i hated this marriage. So i can't help it!

"Okay, challenge.........if you can take more than 8 glasses of it then you can make me do everything you want, same goes to me too"

That's fair!now we're talking!

I thought to myself "okay! Okay! Challenge accepted..........." i smirked.... i am strong at those stuff.


Wrong....i was wrong..   the liqour was super strong! It was so hot and gosh!!! 3 glasses and i was feeling a little tipsy.

While rokuro on the other side....

"Oh! Awnd thuhat lollercoasta gosh that was so lit!" He kept blabering words i don't understand!.

We took more and more and more glasses, and showed our feelings out.

"Your fwiends widat gurl megumi right?" He asked

"So wut?" I answered

"She was my exseuuu!" He suddenly screamed.

"I knyow damn!" I said as i took another sip of the was sweet and hot at the same time.

When suddenly i heard sobs...

"Oh?! Youwr kwying ya ediyot?" I poked his head as he looked at me.

"I loved her.....but she left me.." this time it struck my heart...... welp, megumi is a busy girl.....i meant his father is rich and all, maybe his father was against their relationshit.

I was busy looking at the glass not wanting to stop him from crying...

When suddenly his hand touched my chin and made me look at him,

He kissed me, but not like the other ones...thus time he was passionate...and.... soft.

Not like the normal playful and messy......

We stayed like that for a few seconds....and the kiss got steamier and steamier... until i pulled back to gasp some air...


So hey you guys!!! I'm back to bussiness!! I hope you enjoyed this.....

And also....... guys..... do you want me to write smuts?

Would you like me to write a smut next chapter??? I mean like yeah.. just comment down below.....


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