chapter 7

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adashino woke up because of the blinding light shining on her face..... she tried to adjust her eyesight with the brightness, until she decided to just slowly open her eyes.

she kinda felt cold and sore, she snuggled with the thick blanket when, she could unexpectedly feel, her bare body brushing through the silk

am i naked?

adashino's POV

i peeked under the covers seeing nothing but my bare body, 


i quickly looked over to my side, only to see rokuro sleeping peacefuly.... i tried to remember everything, which caused my head to hurt a little, 

i wanted to get up... but my body is so sore.... my back hurts... and...

my clit hurts...

(warning! warning!!! if you're innocent skip this!)

"r-rokuro! i-i'm almost-" i moaned when suddenly rokuro kissed me.

"nope you still can't darling'' he said seductively. he continued to thrust in me, 

he knew that i could not take it anymore so he thrusts faster and harder........ the moans got louder and louder..

i felt my climax coming soon so i arched my back, and let it flow onto rokuro's member which is inside me...... 

he hissed " i told you to hold it longer" he came after he said those words, and caused me to moan for the last time.-

(tsk tsk tsk!!! you are not innocent are youu????? this is just short so....expect it to be more!)

i slowly sat down, when my thoughts got interrupted when rokuro suddenly groaned

"gooodd moornningggg!" he stretched and stopped... he craned his head towards me 

"are you trying to seduce me?" he smirked... i was burning not only because of last night but.....also..... i hate the thought that....i had it with him....

"e-e-e-xc-c-c-use-e m-m-me??" i stuttered with my words... until his eyes became big as the light bulbs and looked under the sheets..

"w-we.....did something last night?"

he asked me and i just looked away, like? why not? i'm red as a potato right now.....

" no... this is just a dream...." he said....... i felt his hands pulling me back to lay down.....

now he was on top of me and i was underneath him

fudggggeee!!! stopppp pleaaasseeee!!!!

 i just layed there frozen and not knowing what to do.......cuzz......i'm naked and i feel powerless right now..

he kissed me but i pushed him immediatly  " i guess the honeymoon thingy was advanced" he chuckled 

"get off me jerk!" i said to him and pushed him to the side........


today is the most awkward day evaarr!!! after last night? gosh! we had to pack because we are going to go on a trip....... ghad this is bad!

wh-what if something will happen again? what if.......*sigh* just be brave and protect youself from that demonn!!

wait- something smells bad...... i looked over to rokuro who was busy packing his stuff too......

"hey! did you just fart?" i yelled at him when he just suddenly laughed " damn you got that right!" he was rolling on the floor, unconsciously i smiled at him. "you're smiling noww~~~ my waifu is smiling now!!!" he ran to me but i threw a pilloe to him.

"don't call me your waifu!!!!"


heypooooowwwwwwww!!! wazzup minnna! 

i'm sorry if i update slowly now, since it's summer here in the philippines and i'm stacked up with summer activitiess....


i hope you like the short smut up there...hwehwehwe!!

okay labyu gguys byyyyeeee!!1

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