chapter four

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Rokuro's POV

So they are popular in this school ''i know what your guessing you are saying that tgy are popular in the school right!" Said a girl with a sky blue hair'' so by the way i am sae akiyama no worries i know you'' then she smiled i looked to benio she is looking at her notebook studying ''you got a problem demon?'' While not looking at me ''in 5 seconds the boys will look here'' said sae while megumi counting i cpunted too and kirito and the others looked over here coming closer

Adashino POV

So i noticed that my brothers are coming near ''hey sis!'' Then the crowed was talking about us but i just studied ''sis'' then he grabbed my hand it was kinda funny though the girls were so happy of me being her sister we got to the back of the school ''sissy you are here with us to study properly'' he said but i really feel he wants to tell me something ''hey ichiro i think you want to tell me something important'' while looking at my book ''please can you please tutor us'' ''okay at home only okay'' then they jumped over me ''thank you sis!!!" ''Hey how can i tutoe you if you all are killling me'' then we went to class and home we walked home and my stupid brothers  behaved and it was a big miracle so when we went home i ate dinner first and changed clothes then to their rooms when i got there i started tutoring them and it took for like

3 hours for slow learners  uuugghhh... it was hard teaching tgem but they remembered it so i just ran off to my room and saw a demon sleeping on my bed i just took my pillow and slept at my bothers room we had a deal '' hey kirito mind if i sleep here?" ''Yeah sis i'll just sleep on my couch'' ya know my brother is kind too i slept in his bed and he slept on the couch there are no class today 'cause of the teachers assembly eyayyeyeyeyey i woke up early and called my bff's to come over but before that i checked my room if demon was still there ''hey monkey'' ''hey demon'' i swear my room got a little messy ''get out'' i said while pushing him ''hey why?'' Because i am going to clean my room dummy''

''but i can help'' he said pleasing me ''fine just don't touch my personal stuff'' ''okay'' and so the  cleaning session started~~~~~~~_
And then he threw me a pillow abd i threw him a stuffed toy and we played like we are kids and i actually tripped aaaannnnddd.......... rokuro catched me and heck he is such a perv he intended to kiss me but a flash just came at our side i looked at it and it waaaaasssss granny!!!!!! Heck she took a picture of us while we were like that i got out of that situation and  ''granny what if i will just end up your life'' i said while faking a smile ''oh dear yu have visitors'' and i immediatly and i saw sae but sae's mind reading stop for this day 'cause she had a cold hehehhe yeah because i don't want them to know that i am living with that demon

Rokuro POV

when she gpt down i arranged the things that we ruined and layed down i wss kinda bored so i decided to go down when i got down the three girls were there i decided to go down and when they saw me they like have seen a ghost "smell the love love love in the air'' said megumi ''aaawww if only i could read minds'' ''by the way why are you here'' ''uuuhhhh.... iiiiii....''i felt really in trouble

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