chapter three

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Adashino's POV

So as we walked

''rokuro.......''megumi mumbled i really heard it loud and clear

''so you know that demon huh''

''what no'' she said with a guilty tone

'' i know'' oh yeah sae can read minds and i really think she readed mine also

'' i've readed a good news and a bad news'' sae said

''i want the good news'' megumi said

''bad news i said" and we kept arguing

''enough!!!!!... we are going to do heads or tails''

''heads'' i said so it's settled then i prayed and lucky it was heads

''so bad news.....'' i said

''it is not really bad but we are bff's megumi kapt a secret she had a SB (secret boyfriend)

'' megumi flusterered

''who megumi who!!!!!"

''Okay okay it wasssss.... rokuro'' i was depressed 'cause for a beautiful lady like her she had a relationship with that demon.....?????

''But we broke up 5 years ago'' she was cheerful and i felt like she really moved on

''and now for the good news it's slightly benio-sama is going to get married''

''Wow..!!! Benio you are really getting married... and sae-san why do you find it not really gooodddd???'' I frowned and letted her say it

''because that rokuro is her fiance'' ''oh thats great then'' with a really

cheeeeerrrrrffffuuuulll voice i looked through her heart and it says the truth she really moved on''and the most bad part ot was arranged!!!'' I said and clenched my fist with that long chat we walked to our room and we continued
(oh yeah sae mindreader benio heart reader and megumi love doctor)

and when the bell rang a beautiful lady came in a blonde hair with pinks on the ends white skin and has a lucious lips

'' ohayo minna!''

''Woooohooo!!!!'' All boys said

''ohayo sensei'' then we all said

''Watashi no chitoge kirisaki yuroshko unogayshimasu'' OMG even me i fell inlove with that woman '

'and today we have a transfer student....'' everyone talked to each other and guessing who it is and i hear his heartbeat

''please come in'' when he came in i just closed my eyes after seeing the demon

''ohayo mina oremo enmado rokuro 17 years old and lives in otaku village yuroshko'' and yeah after that i looked at him gladly he didn't notice me

''ummmm.. mister rokuro please sit next-" the teacher was interupted by

 "i would like to sit beside adashino...since i know her" he smiled, as i quickly looked up "well the- " i interupted the teacher 

"how come you know me and i dont?" I bluffed

 "ofcourse know you! we're" he slightly paused making me do a * don't ya dare* face

 "my childhood friend!" I was about to answer back 

"enough!! You can sit beside Ms. Benio since you are a new student" (god uggghhh this is totaly the worst week evaaaaaaaaaarrarararar!!!!!!) I said in my head i hear his footsteps coming near and i just took out my novel and readed it just to ignore him

''hey monkey'' he called that only i could hear i i kept on reading

''hey ms. Monkey?!! Wooohoo'' but i still ignored him then he stood up

''teacher i'll just suggest what if we put two chairs each and every row'' rokuro suggested, and i swear....i was shooting daggers on his head..... then the others agreed and teacher too so they started to close up and rokuro smirked at me.

''And today i want you all to know more about your seatmate... which means you have to interview them!!!!!'' Chitoge sensei said i deeply sighed and for some reason i found myself smilling...

Rokuro's POV

I was really excited to it then monkey deeply sighed

''hey monkey something wrong'' and she just snobbed then teacher came near and gave us a time limit

''uuuugghhh fine let's get started" so then we intervied each other and yeah it was fun then the bell rang which ment that
It was lunch i approached benio and pulled her hand

''hey let go'' she said

''can i go with you please'' I pleaded


''please'' and gave her puppy eyes and she didn't stand it

''okay fine but don't get mushy on me''

''Yeyeyeyeyeye!!!" So i went with them and saw a familliar girl wait she...she IS MY EX WHAAAAAATTTT!!


''Hey rokuro long time no see'' then after that the cafeteria got wild i looked at it and it waaaassss... benio's brothers kirito,ichiro, ichigo,nao and shuu

'' wait what?''

''Oh boy'' said the three of them

'' the are popular here?"

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