My mom roasts little bro

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Alright, this was quite a bit ago, but never really got to writing it. This didn't happen at school, but I just wanted to share this becuase it was hilarious. Well, to me at least, but everything is funny to me already. Anyways, let's get on with it!

-8th Grade-

So, we got back home from a day at school, after a few highschool students came over to "recruit" us for their school.

It was my mom, brother, and me. I got my bag and other stuff from the trunk, and my brother got upset that I didn't get his bag. I know it sounds like he's a little bratty bag of shit (kind of is one, but whatever), but his bag is a huge book bag, and often times it's heavy to the point where he can't carry it out the trunk without scratching the car and our mom yells at us. I know you're probably thinking, why can't he get it himself? Well, first off, it's too heavy for him at times. Two, he's very underweight for his age. Fuck sake, he's in 6th grade and he's still 75-80 pounds!

Anyway, my brother got upset I didn't his bag first since it's probably harder for me to get his bag with my bag on my back. My mom heard my brother get upset and this is how it went:

Bro: Simmi, get my bag dammit!

Me: But, I already got mine.

Bro: Put your bag down, then get mine!

Mom: What's going on here?

Bro: Simmi won't get my bag.

Me: :/

Mom: You want her to get it? Oh wait, that's right, you can't even tie your shoelace!

Me: *dies in laughter*

Bro: :|

My mother everyone....

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