-8th Grade-
As we were walking along to lunch, Michael was talking about how Natalie's desk was the only one that was out of place in Michael's row. Take note that he is frequently shipped in gay ships. So this happened,"....Like what the eff Tallie? You see?! This is the only time I'm straight a- wait a minute..." Michael said.
Krystal, Gwen, Isaac, Joey, and I just started laughing our asses off and Michael just kicked us and wanted a hug.
Krystal: FuzzyGamer
Gwen: Sugarcubesweets
Isaac: BillyBobtheBear
Joey: youtubelover001
Michael: MaichailNavarro
Fun Times at DCS
CasualeHey guys! So, I usually write actual books, but I'm going to make memoir book. My friends already know this, but if you're someone who just happens to see my book, here's why I'm writing. I'm in my last year of middle school, and I will most likely...