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-8th Grade-

Couple of days ago, from the time I'm writing this, we were casually having our snacks during break.

All of the sudden, I smell smoke. I thought it was coming from the cafeteria's kitchen, since it was open to the rest of the cafeteria.

I heard the other girls talking about how they smelled the smoke too.

I looked to the kitchen, and no smoke was in sight. I kept looking around, then I see smoke coming from the back, close to the back door.

The smoke wasn't too bad, so I didn't think much of it. That was until the fire alarm went off.

All of the students got out, nobody got hurt thankfully.

All of the girls thought it was popcorn that caught on fire, since it smelled like burning popcorn. Only today, the day I'm writing this, did I find out it was pizza...

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