Story Of My Life

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It all started when me and my chummy Ashley moved to California with my boyfriend Cameron. We all had to get to Cali. really fast, it was a last minute thing. My boyfriend Cameron noticed I wasn't my self that morning, I was all grumpy and tired plus I was really mad because when he told me we were gonna be late for the flight I was doing my mascara and while I was applying it HE SHOOK ME! What a great way to start off the morning. But anyways the reason we had to move to Cali. was because of my older,more emotional,love, and bullied life. My support officer said I had to leave because I almost broke the record of cuts on one arm. It's sad because we had to leave EVERYTHING! Cameron could tell how sad I was and when I said I was going to the bathroom he saw my backpack had my pocket knife I would use. " NO!" he said grabbing my arm and all-of-a-sudden swooping/picking me up into his arms. He saw I was going to ball my eyes real fast real soon. " Cam I can't deal with it, I just can't. Why do you still love me? How am I still alive?!" I said balling my eyes out on to his chest. " I still love you because you are you and will always be mine but mostly because I need you!" Cameron said lovingly and soft with his morning raspy voice. "FLIGHT 1 TO CALIFORNIA! 2 MORE CALLS FOR FLIGHT CALIFORNIA!" It said over the speaker not loud enough to break the moment we were in the middle of but I guess it was a good time Cameron started to run with my Penny board and bag to Starbucks then to our flight. We actually didn't miss the flight. When we got onto the plane this bitch came to our seats and said to me really rude " Move you fat ass and little bitch I want to sit here!" Of course Superman to the rescue cause I was to emotional at this point to Shakisha this bitch. Cameron stood up and said " Stop can you sit somewhere else please? Im asking as nice as possible." " I guess you didn't hear me fat monkey, MOVE!" Now I was pissed the fuck off! I whispered in Cameron's ear saying "Give it or should I fist it!?". Cameron went in my bag full of vans and penny wheels and took out a sock. Yup a sock, a sock filled with butter. I stood up wiped my face, put my hair in a ponytail, and swung! " WHAT THE FUCK WAS THAT?" Then all you saw was a girl run down the aisle. " Good job mi amore. Ti amo." Cameron whispered with that smooth morning raspy voice he still had.

"We are here mi amore." Cameron said. I was still in the same mood as yesterday and he noticed. Again he swoop/picked me up and took the bags once we found a man by the name of Jontae,Cam walked up to him saying " Is this the ride for D'Andrea,Cameron, and Ashley?" "Wait say those names again?!" Jontae said all confused and excited. "D'Andrea,Cameron,and Ashley?" Cameron said all freaked out. So Jontae led us to a big limo and popped the trunk putting our bigger bags in the trunk with some other stuff my officer sent.

When we go to the house it was huge! Me and Ashley were you can say too hype. Haha but we had a small apartment back in CT so we weren't really used to it but I was because of when I used to live in TX. I threw Jenna the key to unlock the door so me and Cam could bring the bags in. When we got our bedrooms I was pissed. "MOTHERFUCKING ASHLEY! YOU KNEW I NEED THAT ROOM FOR ME AND CAMERON! I'M GONNA KILL YOU!" Ashley stopped in mid run and said " Bitch!" Then she ran screaming " CAMERON AND D'ANDREA SITTIN ON THE BED K-I-S-S-I-N-G! FIRST COMES LOVE, THEN COMES MARRIAGE, THEN COMES THE BABY IN THE BABY CARRIAGE!" Over and over again till I tackled her to the ground. I told Cameron to hold Ashley down so I could go upstairs and put her stuff in the other bedroom and put me and Cameron's stuff in the big room.

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